

September 11, 2009

Four radio stations closed in Uganda

The Government of Republic of Uganda closed four independently-owned radio stations today and suspended their operating licenses for what it called “flouting rules by inciting people, mainly the Baganda tribe, against President Yoweri Museveni, his government and against other tribes”.

September 10, 2009

Russia is still dangerous for journalists

Reporters without Borders issued an “atlas of freedom of the press and media in the Russian Federation.”

September 10, 2009

Trial of human rights defenders in Western Uganda adjourned once again

The Tweraneho Listeners Club trial was put on halt once again yesterday when the Magistrate accepted the prosecution’s request for a further adjournment. The case against the Tweraneho Listeners Club, a local human rights organisation working in Western Republic of Uganda, has dragged on since January 2008 when several of its members were arrested after they took part in a weekly local radio talk show in which they criticized the district’s political leadership and discussed cases of corruption and abuse of office.

September 10, 2009

Police reform? Return to sender, say Kenyan rights groups

Major General Hussein Ali, right, the top policeman accused of supporting Kenya’s post-election violence, in which thousands were killed or raped because of their ethnicity, has been given a cushy job as head of the country’s postal service.

September 10, 2009

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s human rights NGO sector submits its UPR report

The Human Rights House of Sarajevo, on behalf of the Informal Coalition of Non-governmental Organizations for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has submitted its joint NGO Report for UPR to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. The Report represents the official standpoint of the NGO sector on the implementation of UN human rights standards in B&H.

September 9, 2009

Journalists under attack in the East and Horn of Africa

Eastern Africa Journalists Association has received reports indicating that some 15 Eritrean journalists have disappeared and are being suspected to be languishing in a jail located in a remote part of the country. There is no independent media in State of Eritrea and it is always extremely difficult to get independent information coming out of the country.

September 8, 2009

Unjustified limitation of voting rights

The Polish Constitution from 1997 deprived incapacitated persons of their voting rights. Meanwhile, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, signed by Republic of Poland, asserts the voting rights to mentally disabled people regardless of legal incapacitation. During last voting to European Parliament, incapacitated persons were not entitled to vote (as well as in every voting after 1997). Article 7 paragraph 2 point 3 of Polish Voting Ordinance do European Parliament points out that incapacitated persons are deprived of the right to vote.

September 8, 2009

CMS published the directory of conference works

CMS has recently published new directory that contains works of lecturers presented on the conference “The role of Youth in Peace-Building Process” which was held in Donja Stubica between 24th and 27th of March this year. The conference has gathered around 50 young people from South-East Europe, Europe and Mediterranean countries.

September 8, 2009

Opening of PitchWise Festival

Festival of Women Arts in B&H

September 7, 2009

“While I was suffocating, police was looking on and laughing”

In police custody, Aleh Surhan, an opposition activist from Viciebsk, Northern Republic of Belarus, was beaten with his head on a lavatory pan, hanged handcuffed in a cell, and stamped on his head. And only because he was suspected of flying the banned national white-red-white flag in the streets of the city. The flag, which used to be the official symbol of Republic of Belarus from 1991 to 1995, is now largely associated with the opposition movement.

September 7, 2009

Youth activism in Bijeljina

Youth Group of Helsinki Committee started the project “The 8 (un)Solvables” which consists of 8 biggest and most frequent problems that youth in Bijeljina (Republic of Srpska) encounter with. The aim of the project was to raise the awareness of the public on youth issues in Bijeljina and send a request to relevant institutions to take certain measures and concrete steps in solving these problems.

September 5, 2009

Катаваны апазіцыянер: “Міліцыянты глядзелі, як я задыхаюся, і смяяліся”

Апазіцыйнага актывіста з Віцебску Алега Сургана ў міліцэйскім пастарунку білі галавой аб унітаз, падвешвалі на кайданках да кратаў, скакалі нагамі па галаве. Усё гэта – за падазрэнне ў вывешванні на гарадскіх вуліцах забароненых нацыянальных бел-чырвона-белых сцягоў, якія былі дзяржаўныя ў 1991-1995 гг., а цяпер асацыююцца з апазіцыяй.