

September 15, 2009

CURE Foundation establishes Women’s Network in B&H

On September 12th, CURE Foundation held a regional conference on the adoption of the platform of Women’s Network of B&H. The conference was visited by more than 30 representatives of women rights organization throughout Balkan region, human rights activists, feminists, B&H media and French ambassador in Sarajevo, Maryse Berniau.

September 15, 2009

Launch of report on impunity and the media in Russia

Russia remains one of the deadliest countries in the world for journalists, with one of the worst records in solving crimes against the press. On Thursday 17 September Index on Censorship hosts the launch of a major report by Committee to Protect Journalists on impunity and the media in Russia.

September 15, 2009

Registration: Race for the Cure

Registration of the participants for the Race

September 14, 2009

Акцыя разагнаная, удзельнікі пакараныя

Акцыя “Не – расейскай акупацыі”, што прайшла 9 верасня на
Кастрычніцкай плошчы ў Менску, скончылася разгонам і затрыманнямі,
падчас якіх супрацоўнікі міліцыі жорстка абыходзіліся з удзельнікамі
мерапрыемства, збівалі іх, а журналістам забаранялі праводзіць здымкі.
Гэта чарговае сведчанне наяўнасці грубых парушэнняў беларускімі
ўладамі свабодаў мірных сходаў і слова, што з’яўляюцца неад’емнымі
правамі чалавека.

September 14, 2009

Launch of Free Word Centre

Free Word, where media meets literature and people work collaborately, promotes the power of the written and spoken word and protects creativity and free expression.

September 14, 2009


Den norske Burmakomité deler ut ett reisestipend årlig på inntil 20.000 kroner til journalister i Norge for reportasjearbeid i Burma eller grenseområdene.

September 12, 2009

Ugandan radio journalist arrested by police

Ugandan journalist and radio talk show host Kalundi Robert Serumaga was arrested by police outside the CBS studios in Kampala on Friday evening. Serumaga was bundled into an unmarked car. Nobody, including his family, has heard from him since. If still alive, he is most likely being confined in an unknown police station or a secret detention / interrogation centre, a so-called safe house. Torture is known to take place in such places.

September 11, 2009

At least fourteen killed as Ugandan pro-monarchy rioters shut down capital

Ugandan police have used excessive force during clashes with rioting supporters of a local monarch in which at least 14 people died, according to Human Rights Watch. The clashes erupted on 10 September in the capital, Kampala, sparked off by a planned visit by King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, right, of Buganda kingdom to the central district of Kayunga on 12 September.

September 11, 2009

EU support to Eritrea should improve the human rights situation

The EU should ensure that its significant support to State of Eritrea brings about concrete improvement in the human rights situation in the country, said a panel of leading human rights defenders and State of Eritrea experts in Brussels on Tuesday, on the eve of the 8th anniversary of the 2001 clampdowns. Among the panelists was Elisabeth Chyrum, right, – Executive Director of Human Rights Concern-Eritrea.

September 11, 2009

Young Belarusians to monitor Norwegian elections

Students of European Humanities University and other higher schools of Lithuania, and members of Belarusian and Swedish NGOs have arrived in Norway to observe the parliamnetary elections that will take place on 14 September.

September 11, 2009

Актыўныя беларускія маладзёны – на выбарах у Нарвегіі

Удзел у місіі па назіранні за парламенцкімі выбарамі ў скандынаўскай краіне возьме група студэнтаў Еўрапейскага гуманітарнага універсітэта і іншых ВНУ Літвы, прадстаўнікоў беларускіх НГА і маладзёвых арганізацыяў Швецыі. Выбары адбудуцца 14 верасня 2009 г.

September 11, 2009

8 killed in riots in Kampala, Uganda

At least 8 people have been killed in riots in Kampala’s central business district, Republic of Uganda, on Thursday, as Buganda monarchists protested what they say is government mistreatment of their King, Ronald Mutebi, right.