

September 23, 2009

HRHF in Azerbaijan

Human Rights House Foundation and a representative of the international Advisory Board of the Human Rights House Network go on a visit to the Human Rights House in Baku.

September 23, 2009

HRHN Advisory Board meeting

The international Advisory Board of the Human Rights House Network has a meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia.

September 23, 2009

Africa Human Rights Day

On this date, in 1986, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights entered into force. As of December 1998, all 53 members of the African Union had ratified the Charter.

September 22, 2009

Report on Somaliland: media freedom kept within bounds

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) releases a new report today on the general state of freedom of expression in Somaliland. The report also includes a number of unexposed cases of violations of media freedom.

September 22, 2009

Ban Ki-moon urged to protect Tibetan nomads

Ahead of the global climate change summit in New York, 169 organisations, including the Norwegian Tibet Committee, appealed to the UN Secretary General on the issue of Tibet. They asked Ban Ki-moon to pressurise the Chinese President Hu Jintao to protect the occupied province from having its climate polluted and the Tibetan nomads from being evicted by force from their original areas.

September 22, 2009

Croatia: Educational reforms needed

The research of the Center for Human Rights Zagreb shows that Croatian schools do not offer sufficient educational content to develop children into responsible and self-aware citizens. The system of education does not function in an open and democratic way, and teachers and headmasters do not feel enough competent nor motivated to teach children of the human rights subjects.

September 22, 2009

Only a written warning for violation of child’s right

The Broadcasting Standards Council of FYR Macedonia has issued a written warning to the TV station Sitel, because of the breach in program principles and failure to keep its duty to protect the privacy and dignity of personality of the 15 year-old girl, victim of family violence, who spoke about being molested and raped by her father without protection of her identity.

September 22, 2009

Call for local consultations

REKOM Initiative

September 21, 2009

Media freedom under spotlight as new sedition law is considered in Uganda

A recent spate of media arrests has provoked widespread condemnation, and raised fears that President Yoweri Museveni might be planning a clamp-down on press freedom ahead of next year’s national election.

September 21, 2009

Праваахоўныя органы перашкаджаюць журналістам працаваць

16 верасня ў Менску адбылася акцыя ў памяць зніклых 10 гадоў таму палітыка Віктара Ганчара і бізнесмэна Анатоля Красоўскага, якая завершылася разгонам, затрыманнямі ўдзельнікаў і блакаваннем працы журналістаў прадстаўнікамі праваахоўных органаў. Па меркаванню сябраў ГА “Беларуская асацыяцыя журналістаў”, гэтая падзея – яшчэ адно сведчанне невыканання свабоды слова ў Беларусі.

September 19, 2009

Jamrozy and Kauczor cases – pre-trial detention as a structural problem in Poland

On 15 September 2009 the European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in the case of Jamrozy v. Republic of Poland (application no. 6093/04) concerning the extensive length of pre-trial detention. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights presented third-party comments on the case.

September 18, 2009

Eritrea maintains its repressive track record

Today marks exactly eight years since the occurrence of the worst crackdown on human rights, freedom of expression defenders and independent media in State of Eritrea in which 30 journalists and two media workers were put behind bars.