

September 24, 2009

HRW report: Buddhist monks in Burma face continuing repressions

‘It is a timely reminder that the junta intensifies its crackdown on activists before the planned sham election in 2010’, – says Inger Lise Husøy, Director of Norwegian Burma Committee. The report describes the repression, intimidation and harsh prison sentences Burma’s monks experienced after they led demonstrations against the government in September 2007.

September 24, 2009

Seminar on climate and environmental challenges in the Himalayas

A seminar with expert/ scholar contributions will be held in connection with the upcoming International Climate Conference in Copenhagen. (COP15)

September 24, 2009

Transit Tehran — Art and Documentary from Iran

An exhibition of photography, art and short documentary films. Exhibition ends on 6 November.

September 23, 2009

“Берасцейская вясна” спадзяецца на рэгістрацыю

У Берасці адбыўся ўстаноўчы сход праваабарончага грамадскага аб’яднання “Берасцейская вясна”. Ён быў патрэбен для чарговай спробы зарэгістраваць аб’яднанне.

September 23, 2009

Belarusian and Lithuanian monitors found Norwegian elections “very professional”

It was another mission within the project “Election Observation: Theory and Practice”. This time students of EHU and other Lithuanian higher schools, as well as members of Belarusian and Swedish NGOs were accredited as international observers at Parliamentary Election in Norway on 14 September. After observing polls in Eastern Europe, some participants were impressed by the “nearly perfect” Norwegian style of elections. Still, some things remain to be improved.

September 23, 2009

Беларускія і літоўскія назіральнікі пра выбары ў Нарвегіі: вельмі прафесійна

Адбылася яшчэ адна місія ў рамах праекту “Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка”. Гэтым разам – у Нарвегіі, дзе 14 верасня выбіралі парламент, а студэнты ЕГУ і іншых ВНУ Літвы, прадстаўнікі беларускіх і шведскіх грамадскіх арганізацыяў былі акрэдытаваныя ў якасці міжнародных назіральнікаў. Пасля досведу назірання ва Ўсходняй Еўропе, нарвежскія выбары здаліся ўдзельнікам “амаль дасканалымі”. Але ёсць што папраўляць і там.

September 23, 2009

The properties acquired for public road purposes: seeking compensation in Strasburg?

During the Communist rule in the Republic of Poland, an administrative mechanism of property acquisition was put in place. It allowed the state to take over private properties located in the areas designated for construction of public roads without any particular statutory or contractual basis. In law, private owners still retained the title to such properties yet in fact the land was held by the state.

September 23, 2009

Dismissal of politicised trial of human rights defenders in western Uganda

After nearly two years of trial the Tweraneho Listeners Club trial has today finally been dismissed marking a positive step for freedom of expression and the media in the Republic of Uganda in what many have described as a politicised case.

September 23, 2009

Brest Viasna to apply for registration again

As a result of a founding congress of the Brest Viasna human rights organization on 18 September, the NGO members arrived at a decision to apply for state registration for the fifth time. However, some of the activists say the application is likely to be turned down again.

September 23, 2009

Call for ensuring freedom of expression in Uganda

Over 30 organisations, members of the Human Rights House Network, call on the Republic of Uganda authorities to ensure freedom of expression in the country.

September 23, 2009

Addressing pressure on Human Rights Defenders in Caucasus

Human Rights House Network and the Observatory are organising a side event in Warsaw entitled “Addressing pressure on Human Rights Defenders in the Caucasus”.

September 23, 2009

HRHN at OSCE Human Dimension Implementation meeting

Human Rights House Network representatives participate at the OSCE Human Implementation meeting in Warsaw, Poland.