

May 17, 2012

Call for the immediate and unconditional release of activist and journalist Ogtay Gulaliyev

More than 40 partner organizations of Human Rights House Network and South Caucasus Network of human rights defenders call for the immediate and unconditional release and full rehabilitation of Azerbaijani activist Ogtay Gulaliyev.

May 16, 2012

The court allowed, the court convicted: judgment in the case of journalists from Września

A journalist and the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper were proclaimed guilty of disclosing information on closed-door court proceedings. The guilty verdict was rendered despite the fact that it was the court itself who had allowed the journalists to access the records of the proceedings to write a newspaper article.

May 16, 2012

Касацыйная скарга Каваленкі адхіленая, актывіст аднавіў галадоўку (абноўлена)

18 мая суд адхіліў касацыйную скаргу актывіста Кансерватыўна-хрысціянскай партыі — БНФ Сяргея Каваленкі, які 8 мая аднавіў галадоўку на знак пратэсту супраць свайго прысуду. Перад судом былі затрыманыя жонка і стрыечны брат актывіста.

May 15, 2012

FAO Tenure Guidelines a modest step, governments must commit to implementation

After working for more than a decade to put land on top of the international agenda, FoodFirst Information and Action Network (FIAN) welcomes the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) adoption of the FAO (the U.N. Food and Argiculture Organization) guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security.

May 15, 2012

Armenian election fails to fulfill expectations

Parliamentary election on 6 May was Armenia’s first electoral campaign since the disputed 2008 Presidential race that led to massive protests and eight persons being killed by security forces. There were a few improvements as compared to the previous election, but abuse of administrative resources and pressure on voters remained a serious problem.

May 15, 2012

Populist rhetoric in Serbian election campaign undermines trust in the rule of law

On 6 May citizens of Serbia, EU-candidate state, voted in presidential, parliamentary, regional and local elections. Even though the support for the need for European integration is greater now than it was in 2008, it is obvious that candidates struggle to prevent that this ambition alienates voters.

May 14, 2012

Relatives of the executed demand amendments to Belarusian Penal Code

Liubou and Tatsiana Kavaliova, mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou, who was executed in March 2012, addressed the President of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka and other officials with a question about the articles in the Belarusian legislation, under which the body of an executed death convict is not returned to his family.

May 13, 2012

Campaign’s success in UK: Libel reform announced

English PEN, Article 19 and Index on Censorship welcome the Government’s announcement that it will bring a Defamation Bill before Parliament. This is a major milestone in Libel Reform Campaign to widen the space for free expression in the UK and around the world.

May 11, 2012

Родныя расстралянага прапанавалі Лукашэнку змяніць заканадаўства

Маці і сястра Уладзіслава Кавалёва, расстралянага ў сакавіку 2012 г., звярнуліся да прэзідэнта Беларусі Аляксандра Лукашэнкі і чыноўнікаў з пытаннямі наконт пунктаў у беларускім заканадаўстве, паводле якіх целы асуджаных на смерць не выдаюцца сваякам.

May 10, 2012

Disappointingly weak stance on freedom of the media by EBU

Azerbaijani and international NGOs are disappointed with the European Broadcasting Union’s lack of effort to ensure freedom of expression and independence of media in Azerbaijan, just weeks before the Eurovision contest.

May 9, 2012

Constitutional Tribunal proclaims the amendment to the Access to Public Information Act unconstution

The procedure employed to amend the Public Information Act fell short of the constitutional requirements for the legislative process, held the Constitutional Tribunal last week, deciding the motion brought by Poland’s President.

May 9, 2012

Armenia reviewed by CAT (watch LIVE)

Armenia’s review by the CAT this week will evaluate its progress on issues of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The NGO coalition report shows that there is still much work to do.