

May 9, 2012

New Head of the Rafto Foundation’s Board of Directors

The new Head of the Rafto Foundation’s Board of Directors is Gunnar Sørbø. He is a Senior Researcher at Christian Michelsen Research Institute (CMI) in Bergen.

May 9, 2012

Tymoshenko case: reflection of a wider problem

Beginning May 2010, a number of criminal cases were opened against former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. On 11 October 2011 she was found guilty of abuse of power, and sentenced to seven years in jail. Norwegian Helsinki Committee considers her case to be politically motivated.

May 8, 2012

Professor R.Legutko ordered to apologise Wrocław secondary school students

The Circuit Court in Cracow found Prof. Legutko, a former conservative education minister, currently a member of the European Parliament, in breach of the personal interests of two Wrocław secondary school students. Mr Legutko had called them, among other things, “snots spoilt by their parents” and named their actions “a typical, infantile tantrum”.

May 8, 2012

Presentation of the project outcomes

The Georgian Centre for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (GCRT) is pleased to invite you to the presentation of outcomes of the project “Introducing the four R’s in Georgia: rehabilitation, reintegration and recidivism reduction among Georgian (ex) convicts” as well as the results of the needs assessment study carried out in the framework of the aforementioned project.
The needs assessment was focused on studying the needs and problems of the prisoners and persons under probation. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were conducted. Overall 210 inmates and persons under probation were interviewed. The study targeted following areas: social background, record of imprisonment, health issues, conditions of imprisonment, conditions of probation term, resocialization measures / needs. The needs assessment was carried out through collaboration with Applied Research Company (ARC) and with the support from Ministry of Corrections and Legal Aid.

May 6, 2012

Uzbekistan and Belarus among most censored countries in the world

These two post-soviet states are on the new Committee‘s to Protect Journalists (CPJ) list of ten countries in the world where free media is most heavily censored. Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are the runners-up.

May 5, 2012

Editorial office searched on the eve of World Press Freedom Day

On 2 May, on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated on 3 May, the office of Belarusian independent radio station “Racyja” in Minsk was searched. The police seized the office equipment.

May 5, 2012

Public lecture by Iryna Sushko, a prominent Ukrainian expert on EU visa and migration policy

On behalf of the VISA-FREE travel campaign “Go Europe! Go Belarus!” and NGO Belarus Watch, we would like to invite you to a public lecture by Iryna Sushko, a prominent Ukrainian expert on EU visa and migration policy.

The lecture “Ways for the Eastern Partnership States to Join Visa-Free Europe” will take place on 11 May at 2 pm at the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile in Vilnius (Latako str. 3).

May 5, 2012

Публічная лекцыя ўкраінскай эксперткі па візава-міграцыйнай палітыцы ЕС Ірыны Сушко ў Вільні

Арганізацыя Belarus Watch і грамадзянская кампанія «У Беларусь і Еўропу – БЕЗ ВІЗЫ!» запрашае Вас на публічную лекцыю ўкраінскай эксперткі па візава-міграцыйнай палітыцы ЕС Ірыны Сушко ў Вільні.

Лекцыя адбудзецца 11 мая ў пятніцу ў 14.00 у Беларускім Доме правоў чалавека ў выгнанні ў Вільні (Latako g. 3).

May 4, 2012

Prosecution Service issued a statement on the alleged CIA prisons

According to the statement of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow received by the HFHR, in the course of the investigation involving the offence under article 231(1) of the Criminal Code (abuse of power) the prosecutors interviewed 62 persons and collected 20 volumes of evidence.

May 4, 2012

Use of death penalty continues in Belarus despite international pressure

Capital punishment in the Republic of Belarus continues to violate international human rights standards and mechanisms, and denies basic human dignities

May 4, 2012

Civil society in a time of social and political change

CIVICUS’ report ‘The State of Civil Society, 2011’ reflects on the tumultuous events of 2011, the changes they will bring for the role of civil society, and the great potential and challenges for civil society at this time.

May 4, 2012

Ператрус у рэдакцыі – падарунак на дзень свабоды прэсы

Увечары 2 мая, напярэдадні Сусветнага дня свабоды прэсы, які адзначаецца 3 мая, у офісе радыёстанцыі «Рацыя» прайшоў вобшук. У журналістаў канфіскавалі аргтэхніку.