

May 23, 2012

Azerbaijan: Eurovision song contest with no European democratic values

On the eve of the Eurovision 2012 song contest, which is currently held in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku, a number of Azerbaijani NGOs and activists have initiated information campaigns on human rights violations in the country or called upon international journalists to not only cover the song contest but also make press reports about human rights situation in Azerbaijan.

May 23, 2012

Міліцыянты жорстка збілі беларуса за нацыянальны сцяг

19 траўня ў Мінску актывіст Андрэй Моўчан (на фота) быў жорстка збіты за тое, што выйшаў на вуліцу з бел-чырвона-белым сцягам.

May 23, 2012

Human Rights House Foundation are present in Azerbaijan during Eurovision Song Contest

The Human Rights House Foundation will be present in Azerbaijan before and during the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 to contribute to ensure security for local human rights activists and independent journalists, attend court hearings, observe peaceful demonstrations and to meet with local partners and authorities.

May 23, 2012

Court hearing, Jabbar Bakhtiyar

Human Rights House Foundation attends the court hearing of the imprisoned Jabbar Bakhtiyar.

May 23, 2012

Reception of the Azerbaijan Human Rights House

Award ceremony for the Human Rights House Foundation freedom of expression award 2012 and presentation of the planned activities of the Human Rights House Network in Azerbaijan.

May 23, 2012

Round table discussion, Azerbaijan Human Rights House

Purpose: Sharing experience and coordinate strategy after Eurovision Song Contest.

May 21, 2012

HRIDC statement on the dispersal of LGBT organization Identoba’s demonstration

Human Rights Centre condemns the dispersal of a march organized by the organization Identoba in observance of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

May 20, 2012

His appeal dismissed, Belarusian activist resumes hunger strike (updated)

On 18 May the court dismissed a cassational appeal of Siarhei Kavalenka, the activist of the Conservative Christian Party of the Belarusian Popular Front, who resumed hunger strike on 8 May protesting against his sentence. His wife and cousin had been detained before the trial.

May 20, 2012

Article 19 and dozens of NGOs call for greater transparency in WCIT 2012

At the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS), taking place in Geneva, Article 19 and 30 other NGOs asked for greater transparency and civil participation in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and preparatory process undertaken for the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) 2012.

May 18, 2012

Call for immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned activists

The Human Rights House Foundation calls upon the Azerbaijani authorities to ensure that the imprisoned activists Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, Zulfuqar Eyvazli, Babak Hasanov, Sahib Karimov, Ahad Mammadli, Ulvi Guliyev, Rufat Hajibeyli, Vidadi Iskanderli, Shahin Hasanov are immediately and unconditionally released and full rehabilitation is provided.

May 18, 2012

Concerned about attacks against human rights organisations in Armenia

Human Rights House Network and South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders members and partners are concerned about the latest attacks against human rights organisations in Armenia. We urge the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to ensure the security of human rights defenders in their work.

May 17, 2012

CBA infringed personal interests of a journalist by accessing his phone records

The Circuit Court in Warsaw decided the case brought by the journalist Bogdan Wróblewski against the head of the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA). The Court ruled in favour of the journalist and found that the CBA had infringed Mr Wróblewski’s right to privacy, secrecy of communication and the reporter’s privilege by acquiring and consulting his phone records.