

March 11, 2002

Course for activists from the former Soviet Union

In Warszawa, 48 persons from the former Soviet Union take part in the first session of the International Advanced Course in Human Rights. The course will last until January 2003. (11 March 2002)

March 10, 2002

Hundreds of Poles demonstrated for Tibet

Some 400 people gathered outside the Chinese embassy in Warsaw to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese occupation. The demonstration was organised by the Polish Tibetan Friendship Association. (10 March 2002)

March 10, 2002

Hundreds of Poles demonstrated for Tibet

Some 400 people gathered outside the Chinese embassy in Warsaw to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese occupation. The demonstration was organised by the Polish Tibetan Friendship Association. (10 March 2002)

March 7, 2002

What Norway should do on human rights

Norwegian NGO’s have made recommendations to their government regarding human rights and Norways foreign policy. The organisations have focused on 19 countries as well as 19 different topics. The increase of human rights violations after 11 September is of particular concern. (7 March 2002)

March 7, 2002

What Norway should do on human rights

Norwegian NGO’s have made recommendations to their government regarding human rights and Norways foreign policy. The organisations have focused on 19 countries as well as 19 different topics. The increase of human rights violations after 11 September is of particular concern. (7 March 2002)

March 5, 2002

Truth and reconciliation

A project on truth as a vehicle to reconciliation and confidence has been initiated by several human rights organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (5 March, 2002)

March 5, 2002

NGO's prepare for October elections

In front of the upcoming elections in October 2002, activists join forces to strengthen democracy in Bosnia. (5 March 2002)

March 5, 2002

NGO's prepare for October elections

In front of the upcoming elections in October 2002, activists join forces to strengthen democracy in Bosnia. (5 March 2002)

March 2, 2002

46 persons at Winter school

46 persons from 13 countries attended the lectures of HFHR’s ”Winter School” that took place on 23 February-3 March in Warsaw-Miedzeszyn. Read more (2 March 2002)