

June 29, 2017

Position of Belarusian NGOs as Regards Overall Human Rights Situation in Belarus

Belarusian Human Rights Organizations express their joint position as regards the human rights situation in Belarus.

June 28, 2017

Open call for an external evaluator

HRHF is commissioning an external evaluation of the HRH concept, supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Any individual or firm interested in undertaking this evaluation should submit a proposal by the end of 31 July 2017.

June 27, 2017

House-to-House collaboration in 2017

At the beginning of 2017, Human Rights House Foundation launched a House-to-House project fund that aims at supporting collaboration among Human Rights Houses. Now, several Human Rights Houses have joint projects planned for the summer of 2017 with events including summer schools and training sessions.

June 27, 2017

Armenian HRDs trained in documenting freedom of assembly violations

On the last weekend of March 2017, at Human Rights House Yerevan, experts from five Human Rights Houses (HRHs) delivered training on documenting human rights violations of freedom of assembly. 20 Armenian human rights defenders (HRDs), both from the House and the wider civil society, took part in the training focused on rally dispersals and professional and ethical human rights violations in Armenia.

June 27, 2017

The reality of LGBT+ activism in Armenia

Mamikon Hovsepyan is an Armenian human rights defender who has been promoting equality and diversity and defending human rights in Armenia for 15 years.

June 27, 2017

Mental health and gender-based violence manual launched in Russian and Arabic

Health and Human Rights Info (HHRI), a member of Human Rights House Oslo has released Russian and Arabic language versions of their training manual “Mental health and gender-based violence: Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict”.

June 23, 2017

ААН рэагуе на разгон дэманстрацый у Беларусі: Мандат Спецдакладчыка адноўлены

Савет па правах чалавека ААН (СПЧ) адказаў на нядаўні разгон мірных пратэстаў беларускімі ўладамі, а таксама на шматлікія праблемы, пра наяўнасць якіх паведамлялі Фонд Дамоў правоў чалавека (ФДПЧ) і яго партнёры, прыняўшы больш моцную Рэзалюцыю па Беларусі, за якую прагаласавала больш пераважваючая большасць у параўнанні з 2016 годам. Рэзалюцыя працягнула мандат Спецыяльнага дакладчыка ААН па Беларусі яшчэ на адзін год.

June 23, 2017

UN responds to Belarus crackdown; renews mandate

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) has responded to the recent crackdown on peaceful protests by the Belarusian government, and to the multiple concerns raised by Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) and its partners, by passing a stronger resolution with an increased majority from 2016 on Belarus which has also renewed the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus for a further year.

June 23, 2017

UN strengthens framework protecting lawyers

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) has passed an important resolution on the independence of lawyers, incorporating robust language against reprisals, and strengthening the implementation of guarantees and immunities.