Россия: чего ожидать в области прав человека после думских выборов?
В России в условиях массового подавления инакомыслия только что прошли парламентские выборы 2021 г. В воздухе висит вопрос: какие дальнейшие шаги предпримут российские власти, в том числе вновь избранная Дума, чтобы заставить несогласных замолчать? Алексей Навальный остается в тюрьме, на связанные с ним движения наложен запрет, в силу вступает новое репрессивное законодательство, направленное на гражданское […]
Belarus Ministry of Justice should withdraw liquidation lawsuit against the Belarusian Helsinki Committee
Human Rights House Foundation joins four other international human rights organisations in urging the Belarusian authorities to withdraw the Ministry of Justice’s lawsuit to liquidate the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC).
HRC48: Statement on Belarus
On 24 September 2021, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the 48th session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Belarus.
Civil Society Recommendations for the Commission on the Rule of Law Report
Human Rights House Foundation joins a coalition of 61 organisations in offering recommendations for the European Commission on how it can improve the credibility, inclusiveness and impact of the recently-released Rule of Law Report.
Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners: Marfa Rabkova
Marfa Rabkova is a human rights defender and a coordination of the volunteer service at the Human Rights Centre Viasna. She took part in the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”, which saw over 1,500 observers register for election monitoring during the 2020 presidential election. Rabkova was detained on 17 September 2020.
Belarus: International human rights groups demand release of Viasna members on first anniversary of crackdown
On the first anniversary of the unprecedented crackdown on the Human Rights Center Viasna (“Viasna”) in Belarus, Human Rights House Foundation joins 22 international and Belarusian human rights organizations in launching a campaign to demand the release of seven detained Viasna members, as well as highlighting the plight of hundreds of others, who have been prosecuted and jailed solely for exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.
America must lead the international response to Russia’s human rights crisis
“Human rights is going to always be on the table, I told [President Putin]. It’s not about just going after Russia when they violate human rights. It’s about who we are. How could I be the President of the United States of America and not speak out against the violation of human rights?”
Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners: Maxim Znak
Maxim Znak is a lawyer who has been in detention since 18 September 2020. Shortly after his detention, he told his lawyer: “Normal life of society is impossible without law, just as human life is impossible without food”.
Protecting Defenders
What Protection providers, States, and Donors can do: recommendations from HRDs across Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia