

January 13, 2011

PEN International sends letter to President Lukashenko

The President of PEN International, John Ralston Saul, PEN’s International Secretary, Hori Takeaki, and the Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee, Marian Botsford Fraser, have addressed a letter to President Lukashenko of Republic of Belarus today protesting recent events following the flawed presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus. They urge in the letter immediately to order the release of all arrested writers and journalists.

January 13, 2011

Арест Н. Низовкиной и Т. Стецуры

31 декабря в Улан-Удэ были помещены под стражу активистки “Солидарности” и “Демократического союза” Надежда Низовкина и Татьяна Стецура. О мере пресечения – заключении под стражу на два месяца до 28 февраля 2011 – приняла решение судья Ирина Левандовская.

January 13, 2011

Russian lawyers arrested ahead of freedom of expression campaign

On 31 December, Buryatian journalist and lawyer Nadezhda Nizovkina and lawyer Tatiana Stetsura were taken into custody following a court decision of the judge Irina Levandovskaya. It happened two hours before the start of a campaign to protect freedom of expression. Before the campaign, which was approved by the local authorities, they were warned by the Prosecutor about inadmissibility of their participation in the ‘extremist action’.

January 13, 2011

Затрыманні ў Беларусі: бесчалавечнае і зневажаючае абыходжанне

Згодна са справаздачай, складзенай расейскімі і беларускімі праваабаронцамі з Міжнароднай місіі па кантролі за захаваннем правоў чалавека ў Беларусі, затрыманні ў Менску ў дзень і пасля выбараў былі гвалтоўныя, бесчалавечныя і мелі зневажаючы характар. Разбіральніцтва не адпавядала крытэрыям сумленнага судовага працэсу.

January 12, 2011

Detentions in Belarus: inhuman and degrading treatment

According to the Analytical Note prepared by Belarusian and Russian HR defenders from the International Mission for Human Rights Situation Control in the Republic of Belarus, detentions on the presidential election day in Minsk and during the post-election period were characterized by violence, inhuman and degrading treatment, while trial proceedings failed to meet the criteria of a fair trial.

January 11, 2011

Persecution of HR defenders in Belarus: analytical review issued

“Pressure on defenders in the Republic of Belarus does not allow them to perform their job”, concludes the Committee of International Control over the Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Belarus in its review. The document offers a systematic compilation of facts of interference in the activitiy of human rights organizations in the Republic of Belarus in the circumstances surrounding the presidential election in the Republic of Belarus.

January 11, 2011

Пан Гі Мун заклікаў вызваліць беларускіх палітвязняў

Генеральны сакратар ААН заклікаў вызваліць журналістаў, апазіцыйных кандыдатаў у прэзідэнты і іх прыхільнікаў, якія працягваюць утрымлівацца пад вартай у Беларусі пасля выбараў. Грамадзянская супольнасць краіны заклікае міжнародную грамадскасць працягваць ціск на ўлады, але просіць не ізаляваць ад свету простых грамадзян Беларусі.

January 10, 2011

Haiti one year after earthquake: fear of cholera epidemic and sexual violence

From January 12 to October 31, 2010, MSF medical teams in Haiti treated more than 358,000 people, performed more than 16,500 surgeries, and delivered more than 15,000 babies, new MSF review’s numbers show. Today one of the main issues on the island is the cholera epidemic and sexual attacks on women, the newest Amnesty International report says.

January 10, 2011

Somalia, the deadliest place in Africa for journalists

-We appeal to the international community to set in motion a dedicated collective action to end the violations of freedom of expression and the culture of impunity, if peace is to come back to Republic of Somalia. There will be no peace without justice for human rights.—Omar Faruk Osman Nur, right, General Secretary of the National Union of Somali Journalists, Republic of Somalia, December 2010.