Enhance the process to select new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
In a letter to the UN Secretary-General, a coalition of more than 70 civil society organisations has put forward proposals to revitalise and enhance the process to select the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
A Year for Human Rights Defenders
“At a time when human rights defenders are being attacked, harassed and stigmatised around the world… we should pay tribute to these thousands of men and women to whom we owe so much.”
European Convention to Protect Lawyers
Calling for a European convention to protect lawyers, PACE has raised concerns that harassment, threats, and attacks against lawyers continue in many Council of Europe Member States.
EU must respond to ill democracy
The case study Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe continues to make an impact in capitals across Europe. Last week, the NGOs publishing it were in Brussels to raise the issue with MEPs and engage the EU in the discussion.
Call for applications: UN Special Rapporteur on freedoms of association and assembly
Applications are now open for the position of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.
UN: Crimeans need protection
In the past week, human rights in Crimea and the need to support Crimeans have been in focus at the United Nations – in Geneva and in New York.
Praising impact of human rights defenders
The UN has set the stage to celebrate the essential role of human rights defenders in 2018, as a resolution highlighting their positive impact is adopted by the General Assembly’s committee working on human rights.
UN expert: Rule of law under threat in Poland
“The reform undertaken by the Government, presented as a cure, appears to be worse than the disease affecting the Polish judiciary” declared the UN expert on the independence of the judiciary, concluding his visit to Poland last week.
Briefing hopefully opens doors
For the first time, a non-governmental organisation has arranged a thematic briefing of the Council of Europe’s (CoE’s) decision-making body. Three human rights defenders presented their experiences on the front line promoting human rights.