PACE resolution on Belarus human rights situation adds to growing international condemnation and accountability efforts
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) welcomes today’s resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) calling for investigations into human rights violations in Belarus as well as the release of all political prisoners without delay and an end to the violence committed against human rights defenders.
Joint statement: End reprisals against human rights defenders in Belarus
Human Rights House Foundation joins eleven organisations lead by Amnesty International calling for the Belarusian authorities to end reprisals against human rights defenders.
HRC46: Statement on the Universal Periodic Review of Belarus
On 16 March 2021, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) issued a statement at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council calling for a stop to criminal investigations and raids of human rights defenders homes and their organisations, as well as a stop to the coordinated and on-going attacks on journalists.
Georgian authorities must reverse recent actions curtailing free assembly and expression
Human Rights House Foundation and Human Rights House Tbilisi condemn recent actions by the Georgian authorities to limit freedoms of expression and assembly, linked with the political crisis which has engulfed the country during past months. We call on the Georgian authorities to reverse these recent actions and take immediate steps to protect human rights in line with Georgia’s international obligations.
CSP: Unprecedented crackdown on Belarusian civil society must be stopped
Following a renewed wave of persecution of the Belarusian human rights defenders, civil society activists and independent journalists, members of the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) strongly condemn actions of the Belarusian authorities and urge them to stop the harassment and show genuine respect towards the rights of those who seek to protect the rights of their fellow citizens and not to criminalize their legitimate human rights work.
Беларускія ўлады абавязаныя неадкладна спыніць узгоднены напад на праваабаронцаў, журналістаў і іх арганізацыі
Фундацыя Дамоў правоў чалавека заклікае ўлады Беларусі неадкладна спыніць узгоднены напад на праваабаронцаў, журналістаў і іх арганізацыі
Belarusian authorities must immediately end the coordinated attack against human rights defenders, journalists and organisations
Following a renewed crackdown on 16 February 2021, Human Rights House Foundation demands that Belarusian authorities immediately cease their coordinated and on-going attack against journalists, human rights defenders and organisations.
Belarus: Stop Pressure on CSOs in Connection to their Right to Access to Funding
Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) calls on the Belarusian authorities to stop the pressure on civil society organisations in connection with their right to access funding.
We stand with Belarus
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