

June 3, 2002

New website: Norwegian P.E.N

Visit Norwegian P.E.N’s new website on The website will bring you updated information on the organization’s activities, as well as background information. (3 June 2002)

May 30, 2002

Report from the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee´s report from the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine 31 March 2002 is now available. Despite a number of problematic issues, the election represents a positive development in democratic standards. Read the report here. (30 May 2002)


May 30, 2002

Hard times for watchdogs after 9/11

Being a human rights defender has become increasingly difficult after 11 September, according to a new UN Report. “Worrysome”, says Maria Dahle, Executive Director of the Human Rights House Foundation, in an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen. (Norwegian language) (30 May 2002)


May 8, 2002

“Health and Human Rights Info”

“Health and Human Rights Info” is an Internet project aimed at making practical information and materials on health and human rights more easily accessible to health workers in the field. The project is initiated by the International Society for Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) (8 May 2002)

April 30, 2002

Demolition of historic buildings in Lhasa

The Norwegian Tibet Committee has received information concerning Chinese authorities´ demolition of historic buildings in Lhasa, Tibet. The Committee asks Norwegian newspapers to focus on the “cultural genocide” in Tibet. (Norwegian language) (30 April 2002)


April 19, 2002

Support resolution on terrorism and human rights

Mexico suggests that the UN Human Rights Commission should pass a resolution on terrorism and human rights. In a letter to the Norwegian Prime Minister, the Human Rights House Foundation and two other NGO’s says that Norway should support this suggestion. (Norwegian language) (19 April 2002)

April 15, 2002

Stop the human rights abuses!

A letter formulated by HRH and signed by 13 Norwegian human rights organisations was today sent to the Norwegian Prime Minister, demanding that observers are allowed access to Jenin and other reoccupied territories; that the violations must be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice; that the parties respect human rights, UN Resolutions and international humanitarian law; and that the financial assistance to Israel from the US must be conditional. (Norwegian language) (15 April 2002)

March 15, 2002

Seminar on human rights after September 11th

The aim of the seminar, which will be organized by the Norwegian Human Rights House on March 21, is to investigate how democratic states can fight terrorism without violating human rights and democratic principles. (Norwegian language) (15 March 2002)

March 7, 2002

What Norway should do on human rights

Norwegian NGO’s have made recommendations to their government regarding human rights and Norways foreign policy. The organisations have focused on 19 countries as well as 19 different topics. The increase of human rights violations after 11 September is of particular concern. (7 March 2002)