

November 22, 2004

Isolation of Belarus is not a strategic policy

An open dialogue with Republic of Belarus is a threat to President Lukashenko´s dictatorship. Sanctions and isolation will strengthen the status quo, said representatives of the Belarusian opposition when they visited the Human Rights House in Oslo 18 November in a conference organised by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs  (22-NOV-04)

November 22, 2004

Belarus elections: -A farce with a foregone conclusion

The recent elections in the Republic of Belarus bring memories of the Stalin era back to mind, said Berit Lindeman of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee during a post-election seminar hosted by her own organisation on human rights and democracy in the Republic of Belarus last week. Her conclusion is that the recent events that came and went under the name of ´elections´ do not deserve to be called so. (22-NOV-04)

November 18, 2004

No hope for dialogue with Mugabe, says opposition leader

– There´s no hope for an open dialogue with President Robert Mugabe, said Morgan Tsvangirai, Leader of ´Movement for Democratic Change´ (MDC), yesterday. Mr Tsvangirai leads the most important opposition party in Zimbabwe and visited the Human Rights house in Oslo yesterday as part of a tour of Northern Europe to inform both state and civil society authorities about the situation in a country that used to be the beacon of hope for Africa.

November 15, 2004

Ossietzky prize to Aage Borchgrevink

Today the Norwegian PEN awarded the Ossietzky prize for outstanding achievements in the field of freedom of expression to writer and human rights activist Aage Storm Borchgrevink. The Day of the Imprisoned Writer was also marked at the prize ceremony. (15-NOV-04)

November 8, 2004

Balkan Regional Agenda for Sustainable Peace

The Balkan Regional Conference on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding was held from 4th to 6th November in Igalo, Montenegro. It was organised by the Nansen Dialogue Network in the Balkans in cooperation with the Bulgarian School of Politics and Albanian Peace and Education Project. (08-NOV-04)

October 25, 2004

FIDH wants stronger EU Guidelines

– To strengthen the EU guidelines on human rights defenders, the Council Secretariat should identify a coordinator responsible for a permanent follow up between the COHOM sessions, said Alexa LeBlanc from FIDH, who spoke at the HRH Anniversary Conference in Oslo 14 October. She also said temporary visas should be granted to human rights defenders at grave risks. (25-OCT-04) 

October 25, 2004

Implementation of the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders

– It is way too early to establish what difference the EU guidelines on human rights defenders are going to make. But it is not going to be yet another piece of paper in a filing cabinet, said the Netherlands Ambassador Erik Ader at the HRH Anniversary Conference 14 October. He said the EU will make handbooks to Embassies on how to support human rights defenders. (25-OCT-04) 

October 25, 2004

Chechnya: Security of defenders deteriorated

The security for defenders in Chechnya has deteriorated in 2003 and 2004, according to a new report from the International Helsinki Federation that was presented by Aage Borchgrevink at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October. (22-OCT-04)

October 24, 2004

– Beslan tragedy used to strengthen Putin’s power

– The apocalyptic Beslan tragedy was used by Putin as a chance to strengthen the power vertical and to have a free hand in pursuing the goal of consolidating his personal power, said Ida Kouklina from the Soldiers´ Mothers Committee in the Russian Federation, at the HRH Anniversary Conference 13 October 2004. (24-OCT-04)