

July 24, 2012

FIAN demands return to democratic rule in Paraguay

In light of the grave political incidents that have occurred in Paraguay and have led to the impeachment of President Fernando Lugo, who had been elected in free democratic elections in April 2008, FIAN condemns the so-called political trial of President Lugo, denies the legitimacy of the current government and supports those who, faced with this situation, are demanding the fulfilment of international agreements violated by those who now hold the State power.

July 24, 2012

Violence in Myanmar continues

The violence, which reached its bloodiest point in June, constituted some of the country’s deadliest sectarian bloodshed in years and raised international concerns about the Rohingya minority group’s fate inside Myanmar.

July 19, 2012

Human rights situation worsened after Eurovision

In the aftermath of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Azerbaijani authorities have targeted critical journalists and activists.

July 11, 2012

Court victory arouses hope for an end to land conflict in Bajo Aguán

Several international organisations have welcomed the ruling in favour of the Authentic Peasant Reclamation Movement of Aguán (MARCA), restoring the land they have been claiming for 18 years. This decision also insists that the numerous grave human rights violations committed during the rural conflict in the Bajo Aguán not go unpunished.

July 10, 2012

Russia: Draft law on foreign-funded civil society raises concern

A new Russian law would brand all foreign-funded organisations as foreign agents.

July 5, 2012

Land grabbing in Cambodia: EU Trade Commissioner negligent of human rights abuse

In Cambodia today, hundreds of thousands of people are being alienated from their homes, farmlands, forests and fisheries as the country’s ruling elites and foreign investors plunder the country for private profit in the name of ‘development’. In rural areas, more than 2 million hectares – 12 percent of Cambodia’s total landmass – has been granted to private companies as concessions for the development of agro-industrial plantations.

July 5, 2012

Mexico: aftermath of presidential election

Enrique Peña Nieto, the young face of Mexico’s oldest political party, was chosen by Mexican people to lead the country out of arguably the most turbulent period in its history since the Mexican Revolution. Peña Nieto’s PRI, which governed Mexico for 71 years until losing in 2000, has staged a comeback since the candidate was chosen.

June 26, 2012

NHC: Implementation of the EU Central Asia Strategy needs some improvement

It has been five years since the EU adopted its Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia. As EU foreign ministers prepare to take stock of progress so far, a number of civil society organizations, including Norwegian Helsinki Committee, would like to suggest ways to improve the effectiveness and impact of EU action to promote human rights in Central Asia.

June 19, 2012

Agrarian reform paralysed under President Aquino

The implementation of land reform under President Benigno Aquino III is “the worst since 1988”, according to the Save Agrarian Reform Alliance (SARA), a national coalition of farmers’ groups and NGOs, including FIAN Philippines, which are campaigning for the implementation of agrarian reform.