

May 24, 2004

Support group for North Korea at the Rafto Human Rights House

The support group for North Korea was established as part of a continuation effort following the Rafto Prize for the year 2000. North Korea can be characterised as one of the worst totalitarian and closed societies in the history of the world. “The beloved leader” Kim Jong-II is one of the worst tyrants in modern times and is in charge of a regime were human rights consistently are broken. (10-MAY-2004).

May 24, 2004

The Rafto Prize to Daddach gives legitimacy to Saharawi people’s struggle

A member of the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara was arrested on April 5 by Moroccan security forces in the capital of Western Sahara, l’Ayoune, and deported to the neighbouring country of Mauritania. He was in the Moroccan occupied territory to interview human rights activists and former political prisoners, among them Sidi Mohammed Daddach, who two years ago was awarded the Rafto Prize for his lifelong struggle for an independent Western Sahara.(20-APR-2004)

May 24, 2004

The Palestinian Refugees (1948-2004)

The current situation of the Palestinian refugees inside the West Bank and the Gaza Strip like Jinin, Rafah and Khanyounis, has not changed very much in the period from 1948 and 1967 till 2004.(20-APRIL-04)

May 14, 2004

Support group for North Korea at the Rafto Human Rights House

The support group for North Korea was established as part of a continuation effort following the Rafto Prize for the year 2000. North Korea can be characterised as one of the worst totalitarian and closed societies in the history of the world. “The beloved leader” Kim Jong-II is one of the worst tyrants in modern times and is in charge of a regime were human rights consistently are broken. (10-MAY-2004).

May 14, 2004

Marking the Norwegian Liberation Day 8. May at the Espeland Prison of War Camp.

For the second consecutive year representatives from the Rafto House participated in marking the Liberation Day (the 8th of May) at Espeland Prison of War Camp. Through lectures in human rights for school children in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade from Ytre Arna, the people from the Rafto House gave their contribution to the Activity Day. (10-MAY-2004).

April 22, 2004

Leyla Zana to challenge imprisonment verdict at European Court of Human Rights

 Kurdish Human Rights Project (KHRP) is to assist Leyla Zana and three other
 imprisoned former Democracy Party (DEP) parliamentarians in taking cases to the
 European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), following the decision of Turkish courts
 today to confirm their fifteen year prison sentences. (22-APR-2004)

April 20, 2004

The Rafto Prize to Daddach gives legitimacy to Saharawi people’s struggle

Erik Hagen is a member of the Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara. He was arrested on April 5
 by Moroccan security forces in the capital of Western Sahara, l’Ayoune, and deported to the
 neighbouring country of Mauritania. Hagen was in the Moroccan occupied territory to interview
 human rights activists and former political prisoners, among them Sidi Mohammed Daddach,
 who two years ago was awarded the Rafto Prize for his lifelong struggle for an independent
 Western Sahara.(20-APR-2004)

April 20, 2004

Ten years since the massacres in Rwanda

On April 6th, a meeting was held in the Rafto House in commemoration of the genocide in Rwanda. Astrid Arne, anthropologist and former aid worker in Burundi, and Laurent Sinamenye, a Rwandan student living in Norway, gave lectures. (20-APR-2004)

April 20, 2004

The Palestinian Refugees (1948-2004)

 In 1948 more than 900,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their houses,
 by a deliberate mass  expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.
 Today, there are more than 5 million Palestinian refugees in the world,
 out of a population of 9 million Palestinians in total. (20-APR-2004)