

April 8, 2015

Intigam Aliyev’s Emotional Statement

“There is no greater injustice than that which is perpetrated in the name of the law,” stated the human rights defender Intigam Aliyev after the hearing in the case against him on 31 March in The Baku Court on Grave Crimes.

April 8, 2015

Georgia’s political leadership must stop slandering civil society

Public verbal attacks against human rights organisations in Georgia have increased. Some leading political figures even question space for civil society as such.

April 8, 2015

Political leaders in Georgia must stop slandering human rights NGOs

Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders call upon political leaders in Georgia to stop slandering non-governmental organisations with unfounded accusations and suggestions that their work would harm the country. Since October 2013, public verbal attacks against human rights organisations by leading political figures in Georgia have increased. The situation is starting to resemble to an anti-civil society campaign.

April 6, 2015

Lacking adequate housing

In accordance to the special report of Public Defender of Georgia, Right to Adequate Housing, 9 805 families have willfully occupied 401 buildings in Tbilisi. Among them, 4 170 families have already legalized their flats, 5 635 families continue living in the buildings without any legal grounds. The majority of the citizens willfully living in these flats are socially vulnerable people. One part of the buildings, where citizens willfully live now, belongs to the state; another part has private owners. What does the government do to eradicate the problem of homeless people and to provide socially vulnerable citizens with adequate housing?

April 2, 2015

Rasul Jafarov’s trial and declined solicitations

Trial into the criminal case against Azerbaijan human rights defender Rasul Jafarov was renewed in the Baku Court on Grave Crimes at 11:00 am on March 31; locals said during Tsarist Russia the building of the court was used as a stable for horses. Representatives of the EU Mission and US Embassy in Baku, of local and foreign nongovernmental organizations attended the hearing. Meydan TV, Radio Liberty/Free Europe and Voice of America were only media organizations to observe the trial.

April 1, 2015

Tchiatura in expectation of an ecological disaster

The population of Tchiatura district blames the company Georgian Manganese of polluting the environment. The company is obtaining and processing manganese in the region. The district majoritarian MP in Tchiatura, Malkhaz Tsereteli, said in 2014 that the environment in Georgia was damaged for 327, 5 million lari. Out of that 324 million lari, which is 99% of the total damage, is in Tchiatura municipality.

March 18, 2015

Human Rights House Tbilisi statement

Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations condemn screening the photo-video footage of violence to the underage children. It is absolutely inadmissible to show the photo and video footage of the prison scenes on torture and other cruelties to the adults of the age from 12 to 18. If their participation is confirmed in the event, it can be qualified as violence against children. In addition to that, the fact of showing such violent footage can traumatize under age children and also, there is a risk of simulation of the violent act by them. The state shall take measures to protect children from the information that harms their well-being (which is guaranteed by the Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child).

March 12, 2015

Noise in the court hearing of Intigam Aiyev’s case

The Baku Court on Grave Crimes has been discussing the cases of the arrested human rights defenders for two months already. On March 10, the Court continued discussion into the case of Intigam Aliyev, Azerbaijan human rights defender, who was arrested on August 8, 2014. The main part of the hearing was spent on the discussion of solicitations from the defense side. Interrogation of the witness caused conflict in the courtroom for what the judge postponed the process.

March 10, 2015

14 questioned and no accusation

Baku Court continued substantial hearing of Rasul Jafarov’s case, famous Azerbaijan human rights defender. The regular trial into his case was held on March 5. The more people are questioned about the accusation imposed by the prosecutor’s office on him, the more questions emerge.