

April 12, 2017

Croatian President and Premier must unequivocally condemn human rights violations in Hungary

Press release: Reaction to the arrival of President of Hungary János Áder in Croatia.

March 27, 2017

Marking International Whistleblower Day in Croatia

On March 24, International Whistleblower Day, GOOD Initiative, Center for Peace Studies, GONG and the Human Rights House Zagreb called upon all citizens and educational staff to openly warn of harmful policies and practices in the Croatian education system.

March 2, 2017

All humans need rights

“In Croatia, constitutional values are now questioned in the media and by government officials. Yet 65 percent of people support the rights in the constitution, such as gender equality and women’s rights; we need these people to not stay silent and to stand up to defend these rights.”

February 27, 2017

Croatia must stand beside civil society at United Nations

The Human Rights Council opens today in Geneva. For Croatia, it carries strong symbolic value: it is the first time that it will attend as a member of the United Nations’ highest body to promote human rights.

October 28, 2016

Press release: Attack on President of the Croatian Journalists Association Is Not an Isolated Case

Human Rights House Zagreb issued the following press release condemning the recent attack on journalist and president of the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND), Saša Leković. This follows more than 75 attacks on media in Croatia since 2015.

October 3, 2016

Croatia: “Enough with the Hatred”

Human Rights House Zagreb and Gong held a public discussion on hate speech, and launched initiatives to combat hate speech and other speech that is unacceptable in the public space in a democratic society.

September 29, 2016

Public discussion: “Enough of hate speech”

Human Rights House Zagreb and GONG will hold a public discussion and launch initiatives to combat hate speech (in Croatian).

September 10, 2016

Putting democracy and human rights back on the political agenda

Ahead of parliamentary elections in Croatia on 11 September, the Platform 112 coalition of more than 70 civil society organisations, together with the Croatian Journalist Association, held a pre-election debate with political candidates. The debate focused on human rights, civil society, democracy, peace-building, access to justice, and equality.

July 12, 2016

Open debate with UN Secretary General Candidates

On the 12 of July at the UN, high-level representatives from States, civil society and the private sector discussed the human rights situation in the world. There was also a first televised live debate with the candidates for Secretary General at the United Nations, which was open for questions from the public.