

April 26, 2018

Croatia: Police pressuring human rights defenders and lawyers protecting refugees

Civil society organisations and lawyers express serious concern about pressure coming from the Croatian Ministry of Interior (MOI).

January 18, 2018

EU must respond to ill democracy

The case study Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe continues to make an impact in capitals across Europe. Last week, the NGOs publishing it were in Brussels to raise the issue with MEPs and engage the EU in the discussion.

January 8, 2018

Brussels Launch: Ill Democracy in Europe

Resisting Ill Democracies in Croatia, Hungary, and Poland: Join us for the presentation of a case study showing common trends and how illiberal governments put human rights and the rule of law at risk.

December 14, 2017

Croatia: Ill Democracies – Europe Between Democracy and Autocracy

As part of this year’s edition of the Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb, the two-day international conference “Il(l)iberal democracies: Europe between democracy and autocracy” was held on Friday 8 to Saturday 9 December, in the Müller Hall of the Cinema Europa.

December 8, 2017

Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe

From emerging democracies in transition, illiberal governments have rapidly transformed Hungary and Poland into ill democracies, have attempted to do so in Croatia, and are slowly and carefully entertaining an illiberal platform in Serbia, according to the new case study Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe.

July 10, 2017

Human Rights House Annual Report 2016

Discover how we, the Human Rights Houses and Human Rights House Foundation, protected, empowered, and supported human rights defenders and advanced human rights in 2016.

April 12, 2017

Croatian President and Premier must unequivocally condemn human rights violations in Hungary

Press release: Reaction to the arrival of President of Hungary János Áder in Croatia.

March 27, 2017

Marking International Whistleblower Day in Croatia

On March 24, International Whistleblower Day, GOOD Initiative, Center for Peace Studies, GONG and the Human Rights House Zagreb called upon all citizens and educational staff to openly warn of harmful policies and practices in the Croatian education system.

March 2, 2017

All humans need rights

“In Croatia, constitutional values are now questioned in the media and by government officials. Yet 65 percent of people support the rights in the constitution, such as gender equality and women’s rights; we need these people to not stay silent and to stand up to defend these rights.”