

December 13, 2004

Croatia: Impunity for war crimes and crimes against humanity must end

Almost ten years after the end of the 1991-1995 armed conflict in the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian authorities have failed to address fully war-related human rights violations and to bring those responsible to justice. There continues to be widespread impunity for crimes committed in that period by members of the Croatian Army and police forces against Croatian Serbs, Amnesty International said today in a new report. (13-DEC-04)

December 13, 2004

CHC awarded individuals for promotion of human rights

Marking 10th December as the international Day of Human Rights, Croatian Helsinki Committee handed over it’s annual awards for special credit and contribution in promoting human rights in the Republic of Croatia. (13-DEC-04)

December 3, 2004

Presidential election in the grip of scandals?

After numerous publis disscusions, Croatian Government definitely set January 2nd 2005 as a date for next presidential election. Judging by the quantity of affairs that shake Republic of Croatia at the moment, campaign already started and it seems it is going to be most controversial so far. (3-DEC-04)

November 30, 2004

Less rights for persons with dissabilities?

The Croatian Government has refused to accept Declaration on Rights of Persons with Dissabilities. Arguing this decision Government finds it unneccesary to accept the document that has no executive force and contains the same rights Republic of Croatia allready guaranteed by signing international conventions related to this problem. (30-NOV-04)

November 26, 2004

Journalist seeking court protection from the Secret Service

The «Puljiz» affair, which has been under the public scrutiny for more than a month now, is still without resolution. Namely, freelance journalist Helena Puljiz accused Croatian Counter – Intelligence Services (CIS) for unauthorized and illegal questioning. Even after her public appearance and addres to the Civic Committee for Oversight of the Secret Services, as well as numerous public discussions, Republic of Croatia knows very little of what lies beneath the surface of the affair while Helena Puljiz decided to seek court protection (26-NOV-04)

November 8, 2004

Mines still threatening Croatia

Republic of Croatia will not be cleared of mines until 2010, the deadline defined by the Ottawa Convention and prescribed by the National Program For Counter-Mine Effect. Solution of one of the most important humanitarian problems in the Republic of Croatia is postponed once again. (NOV-8-04)

October 18, 2004

Documentary on prison torture

Documentary by Nenad Puhovski «Lora – testimonies» had its first run on Friday, October 15th within the Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb. The documentary shows shocking testimonies of torture inside the Croatian military prison «Lora» during the war. (OCT-17-04)

October 11, 2004

Court efficiency and human rights

International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) – Canadian section in co-operation with Croatian Helsinki Committee and Croatian Law Centre organized national and regional conference in Bjelolasica, Republic of Croatia, in order to present results of the project «Impartiallity and independence of judiciary». (11-OCT-04)

September 20, 2004

National day to combat violence against women

The Croatian government has proposed to its Parliament that September 22nd should be the National Day to combat violence against Women. (20-SEP-04)