

April 7, 2006

Draft Data Secrecy Law undermines public right to know

More than 30 NGO´s, gathered within the coalition “Public has a right to know” made an official appeal today to the Croatian Parliament requesting the modification of the new Draft Data Secrecy Law, finding it to be in sharp contrast to the Freedom of Information Act. (07-APR-06)

March 14, 2006

B.a.B.e.: Media in Croatia discriminate women

The overall position of women in Croatian society, in spite of Government efforts and  accepted international standards in domestic legislation, remains to be one of the greatest obstacles for combating discrimination in the Republic of Croatia. Consequently, the media in particular show low level of gender sensitivity, often portraying women in a sexist manner and relying largely on soft pornography as an advertising strategy. (14-MAR-06)

December 12, 2005

CHC: human rights in Croatia seriously violated again

Marking the December 10 as an International Day of Human Rights the CHC warned public about the increase of human rights violations in Republic of Croatia. For the first time since 1996 the human right situation in the Republic of Croatia deteriorated seriously, said Zarko Puhovski, Chairman of the CHC. (12-DEC-05)

November 25, 2005

Action «Without shame» marked the International Day against Violence over Women

By carrying out a street action entitled «Without Shame» the women activists celebrated International Day against Violence over Women on Friday and the first day of the campaign «16 days of activism against violence over women» which will last until December 10, the International Human Rights Day. (25-NOV-05)

November 19, 2005

OSCE Croatia: The capacity of institutions and civil society to address outstanding issues is increa

The latest OSCE status report recognizes this capacity increase as a result of the ongoing political reforms and a demonstration of the Government?s renewed commitment to fulfil its international obligations. As a consequence of the reforms, the progress in the development of political institutions in the Republic of Croatia, especially the police and the judiciary, as well as media has been noted. (19-NOV-05)

October 24, 2005

Roma still suffer discrimination

The Roma population in the Republic of Croatia still suffers discrimination, according to a report presented at a round table organized by Croatian Law Centre on Friday. At the same time, the Report represents the end of a mutual one-year project of the NGO’s involved in the emergence of the HRH in Zagreb.

October 15, 2005

Accused journalist appeared before ICTY

Being the first Croatian journalist ever to appear in front of the Hague Tribunal, Josip Jovic pleaded not guilty to charges for contempt of the Court. The indictment against Jovic was filed on August 29th 2005 for publishing transcripts of the prosecution´s protected witness testimony at the Blaskic trial. (15-OCT-05)

September 29, 2005

Croatia worse than Serbia and Bosnia on freedom of information

Celebrating the International Public Right to Know Day on 28th September, the Croatian Helsinki Committee presented results of the comparative survey of the implementation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. According to the results presented in the Press Club on Wednesday 28th September, Republic of Croatia stands behind Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in implementation of the FOIA. (28-SEP-05)

September 16, 2005

First ICTY case transferred to Croatia

On 14 September, the ICTY issued a decision referring the case against Rahim Ademi andMirko Norac to the Republic of Croatia. Apart from being the first case in which persons already indicted by the Tribunal have been referred to the Republic of Croatia, it is also the only case that the Tribunal’s Prosecution was requesting to be transferred to the Republic of Croatia. (16-SEP-05)