The European Court for Human Rights has appointed its first BiH judge
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been given its first seat among the judges at the European Court for Human Rights. Professor Ljiljana Mijovic won the majority of the BiH Parliament`s votes and intends to represent her country throughout her six years´ appointment. (30-JAN-04)
Women’s rights still not recognised in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Sarajevo Human Rights House-based Helsinki Committee on Human Rights (HCHR BH) has finished a research project on the position of women in society. The sad conclusion is that women in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still very far from being represented on equal terms, both in politics and work related contexts. Domestic violence and trafficking, other human rights related issues, are also on the rise, says HCHR BH. (26-JAN-04)
Discrimination of minorities continues in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Minority rights continue to be violated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The general level of observation of such rights is still low, says the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (HCHR BH) in a recent statement. In legal, political and public discourse, minorities only exist under the term “others”. Special attention ought to be paid to the Roma, the biggest and most discriminated against minority in the country. (15-JAN-04)
New statement from the Human Rights House in Sarajevo
In December 2003, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina (HCHR BH) issued a statement describing the human rights situation in a selection of municipalities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The statement makes it clear that the rights to work, social welfare and health protection are among those most commonly violated. In some areas, the human rights situation is also improving. (08-JAN-04)
Serbian Civil Council helps people to repair their homes
The Serbian Civil Council / Movement for Equality in Bosnia and Hercegovina protects citizens of all nations in Bosnia and Hercegovina. These days, the organisation is making a special effort to fund and in other ways help Serbian families repair their homes. (17-DEC-03)
Sarajevo Human Rights House marks International Human Rights Day
Yesterday, on the 10th of December, the Human Rights House in Bosnia and Hercegovina opened its doors and hosted a well attended round table to mark the 56th International Human Rights Day. The event generated lots of attention, not only to the human rights cause, but also to the ideas and initiatives, aims and activities carried out by the six organisations in the house. (11-DEC-03)
Youth in Bosnia and Hercegovina learn about human rights
One of the six organisations in the Human Rights House in Sarajevo, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Hercegovina (HCHR BH), has organised its ninth intensive course in human rights for youth in Sarajevo. The course had 18 participants, all young students from the whole of Bosnia and Hercegovina.(05-DEC-03)
Women join forces to eliminate violence
From November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10, the International Human Rights´ Day, Zena Zenama organises a number of different activities against male violence. This problem is bigger than people think, says Jadranka Milisevic of Zena Zenama.(27-NOV-03)
Hope of joining the EU increases for Bosnia and Herzegovina
The majority of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina´s has received a massive boost to its hope of joining the EU after it was announced that Bruxelles accepts the positive conclusions of the feasibility study, assessing BiH´s suitability for membership. (20-NOV-03)