

September 22, 2010

Call upon Belarus to take urgent measures to meet international human rights standards

On 22-23 September 2010, the Human Rights House Network holds its annual meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. On 22 September, the participants in the meeting adopted a statement on the human rights situation in the Republic of Belarus.

September 19, 2010

NHC expresses concerns regarding threats against journalists in Belarus

In a statement published on 15 September, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee expresses concerns regarding the severe threats against Natalia Radzina, Svetlana Kalinkina and Nicolai Khalezin. According to NHC, after the tragic death of Aleh Byabenin on 3 September 2010, pressure has mounted against journalists and friends of Byabenin, who have questioned the authorities’ hastened conclusion that he committed suicide.

September 14, 2010

Belarus paid final respects to another independent journalist

The funeral of Aleh Biabenin, the founder and editor of the website, was attended by hundreds of people. The Belarusian Government has promised to invite the OSCE experts to ensure a proper investigation of the media activist’s suspicious „suicide“ on 3 September. However, anonymous threats to some of his colleagues keep appearing daily.

September 14, 2010

Belarusian human rights defender forum

On 25 September 2010, the Belarusian Human Rights House in Exile in Vilnius is organizing the Belarusian Human Rights Defender Forum to discuss the current situation of human rights defenders in the Republic of Belarus and possibilities of working out a joint development strategy for the Belarusian human rights community.

September 12, 2010

Human Rights: Between Law and Moral, reception and international conference

Lawyers, students, journalists, Human Rights House partners etc. are welcome to visit the introductory reception to the international conference “Human Rights: Between Law and Moral” on 17 September (5-7pm). The conference for experts and lawyers from Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Georgia and the Russian Federation is due to take place on 18-20 September 2010 as a part of a project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers“.

September 12, 2010

Human Rights Defenders Conference on Belarus and Baltic States

On 24 September 2010, the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) hosts an open Human Rights Conference in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, to draw attention to the situation of human rights defenders and human rights trends identified in the Republic of Belarus and the Baltic states.

September 5, 2010

Belarus: suspicious ‘suicide’ of human rights activist and Charter97 founder

Aleh Byabenin, right, one of Belarus’s leading journalists and human rights activists, and among the founders and leaders of website, has found dead in his summer cottage not far from Minsk. Contrary to suggestions that Byabenin must have committed suicide, no suicide note was found and no other possible indicators suggest the same.

September 3, 2010

Lawyers got homework

In the modern world young age is no longer a prerequisite for learning; it is a life-long process. Belarusian lawyers, participants of the International Law in Advocacy project, understand it more than anyone else. From 28 to 30 Augusts they gathered for their second study session in Vilnius.

September 1, 2010

Belarus: New iron curtain of Internet censorship

Belarusian Internet-providers are eagerly preparing for 1 September. From that day on they will have to filter illegal materials on by-net, the Belarusian segment of World Wide Web. Despite the criticism of international organisations and quite substantial financial losses this next step to increase the Internet censorship in the Republic of Belarus is ready to be fully implemented.