

January 11, 2011

Persecution of HR defenders in Belarus: analytical review issued

“Pressure on defenders in the Republic of Belarus does not allow them to perform their job”, concludes the Committee of International Control over the Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Belarus in its review. The document offers a systematic compilation of facts of interference in the activitiy of human rights organizations in the Republic of Belarus in the circumstances surrounding the presidential election in the Republic of Belarus.

January 7, 2011

Belarus: repressions against journalists and writers

English PEN calls for the immediate release of all journalists and activists who have been detained in the Republic of Belarus for practising their right to free expression, for the dismissal of all politically-motivated criminal cases, and for a full and proper investigation into the troubling reports of ill-treatment. English PEN calls to take urgent action by writing and sending letters of appeals to Belarusian authorities.

January 6, 2011

Belarus: 4 out of 10 candidates for presidential elections are in custody

Four candidates for presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus in 2010 – Aliaksei Mikhalevich, Uladzimir Niakliayeu (right), Andrei Sannikov and Mikalai Statkevich – are still in custody along with campaign leaders, relatives and party leaders and activists, Human Rights Center Viasna, partner of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, reports. Several of the prisoners have been severely beaten and in need of medical attention which they are denied.

January 6, 2011

Belarus flooded with political repression

“An unprecedented wave of violence, intimidation, arrests and prosecution of journalists” – a grim description of situation in the Republic of Belarus after the presidential election by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic. The human rights defenders are doing what they can to oppose the terror campaign towards dissidents and political opponents of the Belarusian government.

December 27, 2010

End of “liberalization” in Belarus

„The Belarusian election was severely flawed due to arbitrary use of state power and restrictions on basic rights“, – stated OSCE. Even more saddening was the authorities’ tactics to address opposition’s protests after the closure of polling stations on 19 December evening: hundreds of people were arrested not only on Independence Square in Minsk, but also at their homes and offices, making many recall the notorious year 1937 in the USSR.

December 20, 2010

Election aftermath in Belarus: 600 arrested, hundreds injured

The Human Rights House Network strongly condemns the arrests of the demonstrators, opposition politicians, journalists and human rights defenders and disproportionate use of violence against them in the aftermath of the 19 December presidential election in the Republic of Belarus. More than 600 people were arrested and hundreds were injured.

December 20, 2010

Election aftermath: Call to stop violence and release the detained

Over 50 partners of the Human Rights House Network sent a letter of concern to the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today, condemning the crackdown on demonstrators, arrests and beatings of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates, which happened in the aftermath of the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Republic of Belarus.

December 17, 2010

Lukashenko 4.0 – enrich, be free, but without democracy

On December 19, presidential elections was held in the Republic of Belarus. Never before have there been so many candidates. So why was there no real change? Right, incumbent president Lukashenko, likely to stay in power.

December 16, 2010

Belarusian authorities hesitant to cooperate on torture

A report on torture by Belarusian HR defenders is now available in English. The UN Committee Against Torture is going to examine it as an alternative to the official one in 2012. The rights defenders would like to use the time left to establish a dialogue with the authorities. However, in their report the government insists no torture occurs in Belarusian prisons.