UN Rapporteur meets Belarusian human rights defenders
The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti (right), is not able to visit Belarus and has to hold consultations with the Belarusian human rights defenders and representatives of the civil society in Vilnius. One of such meetings took place in Vilnius on 12-13 July.
The project «Ease of Access» – the creation of an interactive platform for people with disabilities
One of the winners of the competition, jointly organized by the United Nations Development Programme and the organization Human Rights Laboratory (HuRiLab) which was held in Armenia on 28-29 June was the project «Ease of Access» of a Belarusian Jan Guardian – participant of the project “Bring International Standards Home”
Russian graduate of ILIA project: “We can actually change the judicial practice in Russia!”
Yegor Mylnikov (right), a lawyer, the graduate of ILIA project, upheld the right to freedom of speech on the Internet and defended Boris Shumilkin, who opposed the construction of the woodworking plant next to his village, in the court. However, Boris Shumilkin himself, who had been stating about the illness of the locals and environmental problems attributed to the construction of the plant, did not get the court’s decision. It was made on the day of his funeral.
Release of all political prisoners is the condition sine qua non for unlocking EU-Belarus relations
The European Parliament has adopted its Recommendation on the EU’s policy towards Belarus reiterating the need for the unconditional release of all political prisoners as a prerequisite for a gradual lifting of EU sanctions and for an upgrade of relations between the European Union and Belarus.
Special Rapporteur on Belarus to hold consultations with Belarusian civil society
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, will visit Vilnius the 12-13 July 2013 to hold consultations with representatives of Belarusian civil society on the human rights situation in the country.
The leader of “Union of Young Intellectuals” sentenced to prison
The Belarusian civic activist Andrei Haidukou was newly convicted of “attempt to establish cooperation with the special service, security service or intelligence service of a foreign state” and sentenced to 1.5 years in prison.
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – urgent for Belarus
26 June is recognized as International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Despite the fact that there is no term “torture” in the Belarusian legistation, the citizens of the country have to face this problem quite often.
ILIA for lawyers from various legal systems: human rights are universal and their study is available
Through the use of modern technology and innovative learning tasks, the Human Rights House Network project “International Law in Advocacy. Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” provides the opportunity for participants to remotely gain the knowledge and develop the skills of judicial protection, based on the concept of human rights in the framework of the courses prepared and accompanied by international and national experts.
Sentence – death
In mid-June, Hrodna and Homel regional courts have passed two death sentences. These court decisions have been criticized by a number of international bodies and human rights organizations.