

June 29, 2018

#FreeSentsov international action

The Belarusian Human Rights House and BHRH member organisations joined the #FreeSentsov international action in June.

June 25, 2018

HRHF statement on Belarus at HRC38

Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement on Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38). This statement enjoys the support of 11 Belarusian human rights organisations.

June 19, 2018

Конкурс на выкананне працы аналітыка па тэме “Правы чалавека і бізнэс”

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Б. Звозскава з экспертнай падтрымкай РПГА “Беларускі Хельсінкскі Камітэт” аб’яўляе конкурс на выкананне працы аналітыка па тэме “Правы чалавека і бізнэс”.

June 19, 2018

Renew mandate of Special Rapporteur on Belarus

In a joint letter, HRHF urges delegations at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38) to support the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus.

June 12, 2018

Annual Report 2017/18

Time and again in 2017 we saw how resilient, creative, and adaptable human rights defenders can be in the face of repression.

May 28, 2018

Statement by Belarusian Human Rights Organizations. Annulment of Article 193.1 is not enough

The Belarusian civil society organizations, human rights defenders and international organizations have always criticized Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code due to its incompliance with the human rights standards and provisions on the freedom of association enshrined in the Constitution.

April 24, 2018

Belarus human rights engagement yet to bring concrete results

Raising concerns about the lack of progress on human rights in Belarus, the European Parliament has demanded that the European Union sets clear benchmarks in its engagement.

December 20, 2017

Consultation on the implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan: experts’ opinions

Minsk hosted another round of expert consultations on National Human Rights Action Plan, organized jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Office in Belarus.

December 8, 2017

The winners of the National Human Rights Prize were awarded in Minsk

On December 8, Belarusian human rights community solemnly awarded the winners of the ninth National Human Rights Prize in three categories: “The human rights defender of the year”, “The journalist of the year” and “The campaign/initiative of the year”. The ceremony was held in the Minsk book store “Lohvinau”.