

May 31, 2019

Васіль Завадскі: “Ні пракурор, ні суд не могуць пазбавіць чалавека пачуцця ўласнай годнасці”

Васіль Завадскі – чалавек, чыя гісторыя жыцця падобная да прытчы. Дваццаць чатыры гады ў сістэме, амаль год уласнага зняволення. І як вынік – праваабарончая свядомасць, жаданне рабіць свет больш справядлівым і чалавечным.

May 10, 2019

“If you can smile in the most difficult situations, you are not yet defeated”

A key contributor to creating a human rights community in Belarus, Tatsiana Reviaka was one of the country’s first human rights defenders when she began her work in the newly-independent Belarus. Reviaka was the president of Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House between 2010 and 2018.

November 20, 2018

“Stopping more brutal affronts and violations” in Belarus

Reflecting on his six years as UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus, as his tenure comes to an end, Miklós Haraszti recalls “fighting an uphill battle” in the mandate, but how ultimately it has ensured international scrutiny of the human rights situation and provided a bulwark against some of the worst violations.

November 19, 2018

Belarus needs “true desire” to improve human rights

Following its first review of Belarus in 21 years, the UN Human Rights Committee concluded that there are “many issues to address.” Human rights defenders warn that these findings need to translate to changes in the country.

October 2, 2018

From Military Intelligence to Human Rights Defender

Once set to pursue a career as an interceptor of foreign transmitters among troops stationed outside Moscow, Aleh Matskevich from Barysaŭ, Belarus, is now a human rights defender. He saw an independent Belarus emerging and it turned him into a different kind of man.

September 20, 2018

Documenting First-Hand the Human Rights Situation in Crimea

“The level of political repressions unleashed in Crimea in 2014 has not decreased, though the forms and types of pressure and persecution have changed,” reported Tatsiana Reviaka, member of the human rights monitoring mission to the peninsula.

September 12, 2018

Vacancy at the Belarusian HRH: executive director

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека шукае выканаўчага дырэктара – і магчыма, менавіта вас. Пра ўмовы працы і патрабаванні да кандыдатаў чытайце ніжэй.

July 26, 2018

Адвакат Таццяна Агеева: «BISH – гэта лепшае, што здарылася са мной пасля пазбаўлення ліцэнзіі»

«Каб зразумець важнасць правоў чалавека і міжнародных стандартаў, мне трэба было пазбавіцца ліцэнзіі» – распавядае Таццяна Агеева, выпускніца IV цыкла адукацыйнага праекта BISH.

June 29, 2018

#FreeSentsov international action

The Belarusian Human Rights House and BHRH member organisations joined the #FreeSentsov international action in June.