Statement on attacks on lawyers defending human rights in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijani human rights lawyer Fuad Aghayev delivered the following statement to the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights on 19 February 2019, as part of a hearing on attacks on the legal profession and lawyers defending human rights.
Mehman Huseynov: Letter to President of Azerbaijan
On 10 January 2019, Human Rights House Foundation wrote to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, appealing for his personal intervention in the case of imprisoned Azerbaijani photojournalist, video blogger, and human rights defender Mehman Huseynov.
Escalating repression against Mehman Huseynov
Some 41 member and partner NGOs of 13 Human Rights Houses issue a joint letter calling for urgent action from the international community to ensure the life, health, and rights of imprisoned Azerbaijani photojournalist, video blogger, and human rights defender Mehman Huseynov.
Court rejects Mehman Huseynov’s appeal for conditional release
The Azerbaijani video journalist found no justice in his trial for defamation, and in August his first application for conditional release was rejected. His so far unsuccessful appeals against this rejection include an accuser not summoned to court and warnings against informing people of their rights. Such events are a repeat of the injustices that took place during his arrest and trial.
Documenting First-Hand the Human Rights Situation in Crimea
“The level of political repressions unleashed in Crimea in 2014 has not decreased, though the forms and types of pressure and persecution have changed,” reported Tatsiana Reviaka, member of the human rights monitoring mission to the peninsula.
HRHF statement on the adoption of Azerbaijan’s UPR
Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement during the adoption of Azerbaijan’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC39). This statement enjoys the support of four Azerbaijan human rights organisations.
Two Decades Empowering Women in Azerbaijan
For more than 20 years, Shahla Ismayil has worked to promote gender equality and further women’s empowerment and participation in Azerbaijan. Her life, achievements and inspirations tell a story of women’s rights, as well as a passion for her country and its development.
No Justice for Mehman Huseynov
Since anti-corruption blogger Mehman Huseynov was sentenced for defamation in March 2017, HRHF has been asking, “when will he find justice?”. With his appeals inside the country now exhausted, we see once again that little justice can be found for human rights defenders in Azerbaijan.
HRHF statement on the independence of judges and lawyers HRC38
Speaking during a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on lawyers and judges, Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement to the Human Rights Council #HRC38.