

May 4, 2017

Human rights voted down in EP-Azerbaijan dialogue

Attempts at raising human rights issues were voted down at the official dialogue between the European Parliament (EP) and Azerbaijani parliamentarians – at their second meeting after years of strained relations.

May 3, 2017

Free Media Award: Crimea and Azerbaijan focus among Fritt Ord winners

Independent media outlet Meydan TV and journalist Anton Naumlyuk won the Fritt Ord Foundation’s Free Media Awards for their contribution to independent information and efforts to shed light on human rights violations in Azerbaijan and Crimea.

May 3, 2017

Free Azerbaijani Journalist Mehman Huseynov

On World Press Freedom Day, 32 human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, issue a joint statement calling on the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mehman Huseynov.

April 20, 2017

Council of Europe: Investigate Corruption Allegations

In a letter addressed to members of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 56 NGOs including HRHF called for the launch of an external, independent, and impartial investigation into allegations of corruption and other violations of the parliamentary assembly code of conduct in connection with its work on Azerbaijan

April 12, 2017

Azerbaijan Court upholds defamation conviction against photojournalist

Mehman Huseynov, sentenced to two years in prison for defamation, for complaining of having been tortured while in police custody, has had his conviction upheld by the Court of Appeal.

March 30, 2017

Court rejects motions by Mehman Huseynov’s defense

The Baku Court of Appeal rejected all motions put forward by the defense of Mehman Huseynov, in a case in which the photojournalist has been sentenced to two years in prison for defamation, for complaining of having been tortured by police.

March 10, 2017

Human rights defenders call for action on Azerbaijan

It is time for States to act on Azerbaijan at the UN Human Rights Council, to stop the continued pressure on civil society and waves of attacks and arrests against human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers, young activists, and anyone critical of the government.

March 9, 2017

Call for the immediate and unconditional release of Mehman Huseynov

Some 50 member and partner NGOs of Human Rights Houses have written to the Azerbaijani President and authorities to call for the immediate and unconditional release of photojournalist, blogger and human rights defender Mehman Huseynov.

March 3, 2017

Azerbaijani photojournalist sentenced to two years’ imprisonment

Mehman Huseynov was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment after he complained of having been tortured by police. Human Rights House Foundation calls for his immediate and unconditional release.