PACE Side Event: Azerbaijan: A year of Attempts to Hide Dire Human Rights Record
Prominent civil society activists, who have spent several months and years in prison or been forced into hiding or exile, will discuss the situation in the country and debunk the myth of progress on human rights.
PACE Side Event: Rule of Law Under Threat in Poland
Bringing attention to worrying developments in Poland, and elaborating on illiberal trends that concern not only Poland, but also several other Council of Europe Member States.
32nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council
The 32nd session of the Human Rights Council has begun in Geneva, and will continue until 1 July 2016.
UN Secretary General seeks to address threats and reprisals
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is seeking to strengthen the UN’s response to acts of intimidation or reprisals against those cooperating or seeking to cooperate with the UN.
The announcement was made during the introduction of his 2016 annual report to the Human Rights Council’s 33rd session.
Lawyers and civil society give input to Special Rapporteur
On 11–12 June, the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Mónica Pinto, will meet with and gain input from lawyers and civil society actors. Ahead of this consultation in Belgrade, members of Human Rights House Belgrade spoke to HRHF about the importance of the consultation and the benefits of a cross-border community of lawyers.
Bialiatski: “The Special Rapporteur is the only international monitoring mechanism we have”
On the eve of the voting for the renewal of of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus the human rights defenders have launched an information campaign to ensure that the mandate is renewed, calling for the citizens of different countries to encourage their representatives to vote “for”. At the same time the analysis of the human rights organization “Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights” that studies the changes in the human rights situation after the abolition of the EU sanctions could serve as the example of impact of the international mechanisms and their revocation.
Бяляцкі: “Спецдакладчык – адзіны міжнародны механізм кантролю, які ў нас застаўся”
Напярэдадні галасавання за працяг дзеяння мандата Спецдакладчыка па правах чалавека праваабаронцы праводзяць шырокую інфармацыйную кампанію для таго, каб мандат захаваўся і грамадзяне розных краін заклікалі сваіх прадстаўнікоў галасаваць “за”. У той жа час прыкладам таго, як уплываюць на сітуацыю ў краіне міжнародныя механізмы ўздзеяння і іх адмена, можа служыць аналіз ад праваабарончай арганізацыі “Libereco — Партнёрства па правах чалавека”, што адлюстроўвае змены ў сітуацыі з правамі чалавека пасля адмены санкцый ЕС.
Конкурс міні-праектаў для правядзення стратэгічнага планавання праваабарончымі арганізацыямі
Беларускі дом правоў чалавека ім. Б. Звозскава абвяшчае конкурс міні-праектаў для правядзення стратэгічнага планавання беларускімі праваабарончымі арганізацыямі і ініцыятывамі.
Асноўнай мэтай конкурсу з’яўляецца ўзмацненне праваабарончых арганізацый, развіццё і ўкараненне стратэгічнага планавання ў іх дзейнасць для прасоўвання каштоўнасцяў правоў чалавека і абароны ахвяр парушэнняў правоў чалавека, узмацнення ўстойлівага развіцця ва ўмовах існуючых абмежаванняў свабоды сходаў і асацыяцый у Беларусі.
UN torture prevention body suspends Ukraine visit
On 25 May 2016, the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine. The SPT asserts that the Ukrainian government denied its delegation access to several places in the country – places where it suspects people are being deprived of their liberty by the Ukrainian Security Services. Such a suspension has only happened once before, in Azerbaijan.
Khadija Ismayl and freedom of expression in Azerbaijan
Today, Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayil turned 40. After 1, 5 years in prison, on May 25, the Baku Supreme Court released her. Nevertheless, the court released her on 3, 5 year probation with 2 year ban on professional activities. The international community claimed she was a political prisoner and criminal prosecution against her was connected with her journalistic activities.
UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concludes visit to Azerbaijan
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention made a visit to Azerbaijan between 16 and 25 May.
Khadija Ismayil released on probation
On 25 May 2016, the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan upheld Khadija Ismayil’s appeal and released her on probation. HRHN welcomes her release, and calls for the Azerbaijani authorities to fully rehabilitate her rights.