Marking International Whistleblower Day in Croatia
On March 24, International Whistleblower Day, GOOD Initiative, Center for Peace Studies, GONG and the Human Rights House Zagreb called upon all citizens and educational staff to openly warn of harmful policies and practices in the Croatian education system.
Freedom Day in Belarus: mass detentions and trials
On March 25, Belarus marks Freedom day – an unofficial holiday that commemorates the creation on that date in 1918 of the Belarusian People’s Republic (BPR). In Minsk, authorities suggested the rally should be held at a different time and place from those asked by opposition leaders, so the latter withdrew the appeal. Authorities considered any alternative mass gathering unauthorized. March 25th in Minsk ended with detention of hundreds protesters.
Civic Solidarity movement condemns detentions and violence against protestors
Belarus: Civic solidarity movement condemns mass detentions and police violence against peaceful demonstrators, calls for a strong reaction by the international community.
Belarus: Prominent human rights defender detained as protests continue
Updated 27 March: As protests continue in Belarus, the President of Belarusian Human Rights House Tatsiana Reviaka was detained on 26 March along with 9 other people, at Kastrychnitskaya square. Tatsiana Reviaka has now been released.
Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenka
48 organizations from 24 countries signed the letter, where they strongly condemn the continuing wave of detentions and harassment of peaceful protesters, journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists, anarchists and opposition party members in Belarus.
Праваабаронцы з 24 краін свету накіравалі адкрыты ліст прэзідэнту Беларусі Аляксандру Лукашэнку
48 арганізацый з 24 краін падпісалі ліст, у якім рашуча асуджаюць працяглую хвалю затрыманняў і пераследу мірных дэманстрантаў, журналістаў, праваабаронцаў, актывістаў грамадзянскай супольнасці, анархістаў і сяброў апазыцыйных партыяў у Беларусі.
Stop whipping up hysteria and atmosphere of fear in the Belarusian society
We, representatives of Belarusian human rights organizations, state a significant deterioration of the country’s human rights situation and note the following:
Патрабуем спыніць нагнятанне істэрыі і атмасферы страху ў беларускім грамадстве
Мы, прадстаўнікі беларускіх праваабарончых арганізацый, канстатуем значнае пагаршэнне сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў краіне і адзначаем:
UN shows strong support for human rights defenders
States at the United Nations Human Rights Council show strong support by unanimously renewing the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders.
Crimea: The rule of Kremlin prevails over the rule of law
Now three years since the Russian annexation of Crimea, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) again raised concerns about the human rights situation on the peninsula at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Belarus: the first death sentence in 2017
On 17 March 32-year-old Aliaksei Mikhalenya was sentenced to death.
У Беларусі вынесены першы смяротны прысуд у 2017 годзе
17 сакавіка на смяротнае пакаранне быў асуджаны 32-гадовы Аляксей Міхаленя.