

February 2, 2018

European Convention to Protect Lawyers

Calling for a European convention to protect lawyers, PACE has raised concerns that harassment, threats, and attacks against lawyers continue in many Council of Europe Member States.

January 29, 2018

Non-governmental organisations request meeting with the chief prosecutor of Georgia

On January 12, 2018, the Belakani (Azerbaijan) District court found Afgan Mukhtarli guilty in the imposed charges and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. The court did not satisfy any solicitations of the defense side, which aimed to confirm innocence of Mukhtarli. The below signatory organizations believe that the Belakani District Court violated Afgan Mukhtarli’s […]

January 29, 2018

Non-governmental organisations request meeting with the chief prosecutor of Georgia

On January 12, 2018, the Belakani (Azerbaijan) District court found Afgan Mukhtarli guilty in the imposed charges and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. The court did not satisfy any solicitations of the defense side, which aimed to confirm innocence of Mukhtarli. The below signatory organizations believe that the Belakani District Court violated Afgan Mukhtarli’s right to fair trial, protected under the European Convention of Human Rights.

January 18, 2018

EU must respond to ill democracy

The case study Resisting Ill Democracies in Europe continues to make an impact in capitals across Europe. Last week, the NGOs publishing it were in Brussels to raise the issue with MEPs and engage the EU in the discussion.

January 8, 2018

Brussels Launch: Ill Democracy in Europe

Resisting Ill Democracies in Croatia, Hungary, and Poland: Join us for the presentation of a case study showing common trends and how illiberal governments put human rights and the rule of law at risk.

December 20, 2017

Consultation on the implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan: experts’ opinions

Minsk hosted another round of expert consultations on National Human Rights Action Plan, organized jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Office in Belarus.

December 20, 2017

Кансультацыі аб выкананні Нацыянальнага плана дзеянняў па правах чалавека: меркаванні экспертаў

У Мінску пад эгідай Міністэрства замежных спраў Беларусі і Прадстаўніцтва ААН прайшоў чарговы раунд экспертных кансультацый згодна з Нацыянальным планам дзеянняў па правах чалавека.

December 19, 2017

New Members for Human Rights House Azerbaijan

Three independent human rights organisations form new core group of Human Rights House Azerbaijan.

December 19, 2017

Call for applications: UN Special Rapporteur on freedoms of association and assembly

Applications are now open for the position of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.

December 15, 2017

Poland: Healthy democracies are open to dialogue

Despite two years of calls from key international mechanisms and experts, the Polish authorities continue to rebuff criticism and implement measures impeding human rights, the rule of law, and the independence of the judiciary.

December 15, 2017

When will he find justice?

Mehman Huseynov’s appeals for justice and freedom continue.

December 14, 2017

Croatia: Ill Democracies – Europe Between Democracy and Autocracy

As part of this year’s edition of the Human Rights Film Festival in Zagreb, the two-day international conference “Il(l)iberal democracies: Europe between democracy and autocracy” was held on Friday 8 to Saturday 9 December, in the Müller Hall of the Cinema Europa.