HRHF statement on Serbia’s UPR adoption at HRC38
Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement on Serbia to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38) before it adopted Serbia’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report.
Human Rights Fair in Tbilisi
Some 10 organisations working on human rights issues from different regions of Georgia gathered in Tbilisi in June, to present visuals and materials about their activities.
#FreeSentsov international action
The Belarusian Human Rights House and BHRH member organisations joined the #FreeSentsov international action in June.
HRHF statement on Belarus at HRC38
Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement on Belarus to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38). This statement enjoys the support of 11 Belarusian human rights organisations.
HRHF statement on the independence of judges and lawyers HRC38
Speaking during a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on lawyers and judges, Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement to the Human Rights Council #HRC38.
Конкурс на выкананне працы аналітыка па тэме “Правы чалавека і бізнэс”
Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Б. Звозскава з экспертнай падтрымкай РПГА “Беларускі Хельсінкскі Камітэт” аб’яўляе конкурс на выкананне працы аналітыка па тэме “Правы чалавека і бізнэс”.
Renew mandate of Special Rapporteur on Belarus
In a joint letter, HRHF urges delegations at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC38) to support the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus.
HRHF statement on assembly and association HRC38
Speaking during a dialogue on the freedoms of association and assembly, Human Rights House Foundation delivered the following statement to the UN Human Rights Council #HRC38.
Annual Report 2017/18
Time and again in 2017 we saw how resilient, creative, and adaptable human rights defenders can be in the face of repression.
#FreeSentsov: Беларускі дом правоў чалавека патрабуе вызвалення Алега Сянцова
Ва ўсім свеце ідзе акцыя салідарнасці з украінскім рэжысёрам Алегам Сянцовым #FreeSentsov. Сёння – роўна трыццаць дзён, як ён трымае галадоўку. Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Б.Звозскава патрабуе неадкладнага вызвалення вязня.
One year since the disappearance of Afgan Mukhtarli in Georgia
Even after one year since the launch of an investigation and despite the high public interest, the investigative authorities of Georgia have not yet published information about the progress of the investigation. The suspicions about the participation of Georgian law enforcement authorities in organized crime have not been diminished.
The Case of Afgan Mukhtarli
Marking one year since the disappearance of Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli in Georgia, Human Rights House Tbilisi held protests calling for his release and for a proper investigation into his case.