International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
When: Saturday, 21. March 2009 To: Saturday, 21. March 2009
Non-violent Resistance Day
When: Friday, 20. February 2009 To: Friday, 20. February 2009
Leyla Zana sentenced to 10 years in prison
A Turkish court sentenced the Kurdish human rights activist Leyla Zana (47), right, to 10 years in prison on 4 December, reported Reuters, BBC and other international media. Zana was awarded the Rafto Prize in 1994.
African Commission calls for a moratorium on the death penalty
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Commission) has adopted a resolution calling on African States to observe a moratorium on the death penalty. The resolution was adopted at the African Commission’s 44th Ordinary session in Abuja Nigeria.
426 organisations protest EU plans for Western Sahara
No less than 426 organisations signed a petition letter, demanding from the EU Commission that occupied Western Sahara be kept clearly outside of the so- called Advanced Status cooperation that Morocco currently is being granted. The petition was sent to the EU Commission this morning.
Human rights situation deteriorates in the Arab region
In its first annual report on the human rights condition in the Arab region, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) finds that the status of human rights in the Arab region in 2008 has increasingly worsened. Attacks on the limited public and political liberties that exist have escalated in most countries in the region.
Norway convicts Bosnian on 1992 war crimes
A Bosnian muslim was jailed for five years on Tuesday for crimes against Serb civilians during the war in Bosnia in 1992 in the first war crimes case in Norway since the trials of Norwegians who collaborated with the Nazis.
Vilnius Media Seminar: сустрэча медыйных партызанаў
Ці магчымая свабода слова ў аўтарытарным грамадстве? Што рабіць, калі ўрадавыя СМІ прапануюць адно прапаганду замест аб’ектыўнай інфармацыі? І дзе шукаць альтэрнатыўныя інфармацыйныя крыніцы? Удзельнікі сустрэчы медыяактывістаў, якая адбылася 4 снежня ў Беларускім Доме правоў чалавека ў Вільні, супольна шукалі адказы на гэтыя і іншыя пытанні.
Vilnius Media Seminar: meeting of media partisans
Is freedom of expression possible in a controlled society? What can be done when official media are all about propaganda, not information? And where alternative sources can be found? Media activists met on 4 December in Belarusian Human Rights House in Vilnius to look for answers together.
Street Action in Sarajevo
In occasion of 60th Anniversary of Unversal Declaration on Human Rights and International Human Rights Day
Кааліцыя просіць узнавіць трансляцыю міжнародных радыёстанцый у Азербайджане
Кааліцыя ў складзе 24 чальцоў Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека ўключна з трыма Дамамі правоў чалавека падпісалі ліст да прэзідэнта Эльхама Аліева, у якім просіць перагледзець рашэнне аб забароне вяшчання на мясцовай мове да канца 2008 года FM-радыёстанцый радыё “Свабода”, “БіБіСі” і “Голас Амерыкі”. Кааліцыя сцвярджае, што забарона гэтых трох FM-станцый рэзка пагоршыць сітуацыю на азербайджанскай медыя-прасторы.
Coalition pledges for international radio stations in Azerbaijan
A coalition of 24 members of the Human Rights House Network, including three Human Rights Houses, have signed a letter to president Aliev in which they ask to review the decision to ban local language FM-broadcasts of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, BBC and Voice of America by the end of 2008. Banning the three stations from FM would severely deteriorate the Azerbaijani media landscape, they say.