Freedom of speech ’09: bleak forecasts for Belarus
Lawyers of the Belarusian Association of Journalists do not hope for improvements in the area of freedom of expression this year.
Свабода слова’2009: прагнозы несуцяшальныя
Юрысты Беларускай асацыяцыі журналістаў не спадзяюцца на сёлетняе паляпшэнне сітуацыі са свабодай слова ў краіне.
Nakhchivan activists attacked
Two employees of the Nakhchivan-based “Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center” were attacked and seriously beaten by an orchestrated group of athletic mobsters on 15 December.
Nakhchivan’s activists attacked
Two employees of the Nakhchivan-based “Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center” were attacked and seriously beaten by an orchestrated group of athletic mobsters on 15 December.
Norwegian PEN issues statement about Gaza war
Norwegian PEN, member of the Human Rights House in Oslo and the Norwegian chapter of International PEN that represents over 15,000 writers around the world, has released a statement in which it articulates its sorrow concerning the violent and tragic developments in the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Media independence under threat in Russia
With the collapse of the Soviet system at the end of 1991, journalists felt freer to speak and act according to their conscience. That is a long time ago now. According to the findings of the Press Emblem Campaign, the Russian Federation is now a dangerous country to report from. The 2008 statistics illustrate the fact: four media workers were killed, and many more suffered attacks, including beatings, threats and other kinds of harassment.
Civil society the biggest victim of conflict in Gaza
Centre for peace studies writes an open letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Croatia regarding violation of the resolution 1830 of Security Council on the situation in Middle-East.
Gaza: The Israeli military’s continued targeting of media personnel in Gaza is condemned
The Israeli military’s continued targeting of media personnel in Gaza is condemned and international calls for a UN investigation into the attacks is supported.
HRHF goes to UN in New York
On 17 January, Maria Dahle, ED of the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), travels to the UN, New York. The HRHF has submitted an application for a consultative status with the UN, which will be handled during the Regular Session of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on 19-28 January. HRHF’s application has been pending for over two years.
Call for applications: Creation of South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders’ will link watch-dog human rights NGOs in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and provide assistance to those human rights defenders who face challenges in their work.
Call for applications: South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders
The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders’ will link watch-dog human rights NGOs in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia) and provide assistance to those human rights defenders who face challenges in their work.
Critic of Chechnya’s president killed in Vienna
The Chechen refugee Umar Israilov was killed by gunshots to his head on January 13 as he walked out of a store. One of the four perpetrators was held at the scene. According to Austrian newspapers, he is also of Chechen origin. Israilov was a Chechen fighter who in 2003 was held for three months in Ramzan Kadyrov’s secret prisons and enlisted as Kadyrov’s security guard.