

February 20, 2009

Belarus: Violation of freedom of assembly and use of force against peaceful demonstrators

The use of force and violence against peaceful demonstrators and the severe restrictions on freedom of assembly in the Republic of Belarus are condemned.

February 19, 2009

Anna Politkovskaya: No justice

The acquittals in the Anna Politkovskaya murder case highlight a culture of impunity that must be brought to an end, writes
Tanya Lokshina.

February 19, 2009

Former political prisoners face up to 12 years in jail

Even before the detainees heard official charges President Aliaksandr Lukashenka a priori linked them with terrorist activities and urged for “the harshest penalty possible.”

February 18, 2009

United Nations should not aid fugitives from international justice

Amnesty International is demanding that the United Nations Mission in the Republic of the Sudan (UNMIS) co-operates with the International Criminal Court (ICC) by providing the whereabouts of Okot Odhiambo and Dominic Ongwen to facilitate their arrest and surrender.

February 18, 2009

Былым палітычным вязням зноў пагражае да 12 гадоў турмы

Перш як затрыманым былі афіцыйна выстаўленыя абвінавачванні, Прэзідэнт краіны Аляксандр Лукашэнка заведама звязаў іх з тэрарыстычнай дзейнасцю і заклікаў да “найбольш жорсткага спагнання”.

February 18, 2009

One third of states scrutinized on human rights so far

Having completed the review of another 16 countries, the United Nations Human Rights Council is now one-third of the way through to reviewing the human rights records of all 192 Member States of the Organization, according to the President of the Geneva-based body.

February 18, 2009

MWRC publishes report on women’s rights

Macedonian Woman Rights Center (MWRC) prepared the “Report of Republic of Macedonia on International commitments to gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights,” paying attention to the factual situation in the country through relevant references, analysis, and research.

February 18, 2009

Medvedev revives Rights Council after criticism

Following a series of murders and sharp criticism from the West, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has revived a council of human rights advisers.

February 18, 2009

Forum & publication promotion

“Violence against women in the media mirror”

February 17, 2009

Over 15,000 Congolese fleeing Ugandan rebel attacks pour into Sudan

More than 15,000 Congolese have fled to South Republic of the Sudan since the Ugandan rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) began launching attacks in north-east Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the United Nations refugee agency reported today. Right, Congolese refugees fleeing attacks from the Lord’s Resistance Army arrive in South Republic of the Sudan.

February 17, 2009

Cyber attacks on Pescanik deserve investigation

Recent cyber attacks on Peščanik’s website, disruptions of its broadcasts, and attempts to intimidate its editors, are described by prominent Serbian civil-rights lawyer and activist, Srdja Popovic (on right), in a call for proper investigation.

February 17, 2009

Human Rights School

Educating youth on human rights issues