

February 25, 2009

Sahrawi teenager raped by police officers

On 23 February, on the way out of her family’s house in al Quds street in El Aaiun, a 16 year old pupil was stopped by the police, undressed and raped during interrogation. As the interrogation ended, she was threatened that she would be killed if she publicized the story. “This is terrible. I know her well”, said the winner of the Student Peace Prize 2009, Rabab Amidane.

February 25, 2009

Four defendants on Politkovskaya case found not guilty

The jury in the murder trial of Anna Politkovskaya has reached a verdict. Jurors acquitted four men who spent the last three months sitting in a cage at the Moscow District Military Court.

February 25, 2009

‘Bloody millions. The price of the subject?’

The Russian army has started paying out compensations for the deceased soldiers and officers.

February 25, 2009

IRFS journalist Idrak Abbasov briefly detained, mistreated by National Security Ministry

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) is
extremely concerned about the health and well-being of its journalist and
researcher Idrak Abbasov. Abbasov has been hospitalised with heart problems
since 20 February 2009, when he returned to Baku from Nakhchivan. Abbasov
said that he was subjected to physical and psychological pressure by the
National Security Ministry (NSM) in Nakhchivan.

February 24, 2009

No comment for a non-state paper!

Journalists of “Hazeta Slonimskaya” should not expect official information about any incidents in Slonim (town in Hrodna region, West of Belarus) or around. Comments are forbidden to the only independent local newspaper by “authorities’ verbal direction”.

February 24, 2009

Недзяржаўнай газеце – ніякіх каментароў!

Журналісты “Газеты Слонімскай” могуць больш не звяртацца па афіцыйную інфармацыю аб пажарах ці іншых здарэннях у Слоніме і рэгіёне. Адзінаму незалежнаму мясцоваму выданню “вусным распараджэннем уладаў” забаронена даваць каментары.

February 21, 2009

Асуджэнне гвалтоўнага разгону мірных дэманстрацыяў

Супольнасць міжнародных праваабарончых арганізацыяў асуджае гвалтоўныя разгоны мірных дэманстрацыяў у Беларусі, якія адбыліся 14 і 16 лютага. У звароце да беларускага ўраду і асабіста прэзідэнта Аляксандра Лукашэнкі праваабаронцы заклікалі да правядзення расследавання інцыдэнтаў і пакарання злачынцаў ды ініцыятараў гвалту над мірнымі пратэстоўцамі.

February 20, 2009

Anna Politkovskaya: No justice

The acquittals in the Anna Politkovskaya murder case highlight a culture of impunity that must be brought to an end, writes Tanya Lokshina

February 20, 2009

Pakistan: Despite peace negotiations, journalists still face murder, abduction and sabotage.

During regional armed conflict, journalists in the troubled Swat valley have placed themselves in potentially dangerous situations in order to provide the public with information. The success of peace negotiations on the 16 February should have improved safety for these reporters, but its immediate aftermath suggests otherwise.

February 20, 2009

Belarus: Use of force against demonstrators condemned

In a letter to the Belarusian president Lukashenka, a coalition of 39 members of the Human Rights House Network have condemned the use of force and violence against peaceful demonstrators on both 14 February and 16 February. The signatories were also urged not to prevent peaceful actions, meetings and demonstrations.

February 20, 2009

The role of NGOs in August 08 Conflict

NGOs from South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Europe and the Russian Federation gathered in Strasbourg to discuss ways of cooperation on the August 08 Conflict.

February 20, 2009

Use of force against demonstrators condemned

On 14 February the opposition youth movement Young Front organised its traditional St. Valentine’s rally. This year, hundreds of activists from Belarus’s Young Front movement and other youth organizations gathered on Minsk’s Yakub Kolas Square on Saturday afternoon. Despite the fact that the gathering was peaceful, the police and Special Forces from the Ministry of the […]