

March 23, 2009

Training for civic organizations

Children’s rights and monitoring of children’s rights in MK

March 22, 2009

Newspapers: advisable and unadvisable

Official institutions of Republic of Belarus hold on to their selective understanding of freedom of speech. Independent newspapers face discrimination throughout Republic of Belarus, the last week bringing new facts from Hlybokaje and Babrujsk. As well as Slonim, where the authorities force common people to pay for the official local print, should or should they not want to read it.

March 22, 2009

Газеты: мэтазгодныя і немэтазгодныя

Дзяржаўныя структуры ў розных канцах Беларусі з зайздросным пастаянствам дыскрымінуюць недзяржаўную прэсу на карысць афіцыйнае. На гэтым тыдні з чарговымі актамі ўціску сутыкнулася вольнае слова ў Глыбокім і Бабруйску. У Слоніме ж улада прымушае насельніцтва з уласнай кішэні ўтрымліваць афіцыёзную “раёнку”.

March 20, 2009

ICC needs to probe Uganda role in DRC

While renegade leader Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army, LRA, top the list of Ugandans due for trial at the International Criminal Court, ICC, some suggest that the ICC needs to look more closely at Uganda’s role in the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC.

March 20, 2009

Meeting with leading Syrian Kurd human rights activist

The activist coming is a representative of PYD. A translator will be present throughout the meeting, to translate both ways between Kurdish and English.

March 19, 2009

Azerbaijan: Referendum in an atmosphere of intimidation and fear

In a fresh statement on the referendum over consitutional amendments in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee addresses the state coercion to make people vote, the absence of a meaningful public debate, and ultimately, given the rushed advance procedures, of the legality of the referendum. read the full stement below.

March 19, 2009

-Free Burma’s political prisoners now!

The Norwegian Burma Committee is one among more than 150 exile and solidarity groups for Burma now participating and supporting a worldwide campaign urging the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make it a personal priority to secure the release of all political prisoners in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

March 19, 2009

Leading Somali editor sentenced to 5-months’ prison term

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is deeply disappointed with the five-months’ prison term imposed on a leading editor, accused of ‘unlawfully printing a newspaper and spreading lies’.

March 19, 2009

Megjashi find CSW responsible for the case of raped sisters

The First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi asked for accountability from the inter-municipal Center for Social Welfare (CSW) in Skopje, regarding the last case of pedophilia, where the father raped his two juvenile daughters.

March 19, 2009

Makfax news agency under government pressure

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) condemns the recent verbal accusations levelled against the news agency Makfax by a state official in FYR Macedonia.

March 19, 2009

Вызваленне ў Дзень Салідарнасці

У Вільні адбылася прэзентацыя дакументальна-публіцыстычнага фільму Вольгі Мікалайчык “Вызваленне”.

March 19, 2009

Беларусь узрушыла самагубства праваабаронцы, пракурораў – не (абноўлена)

Самагубства Яны Паляковай пасля нечакана жорсткага прысуду і здзекаў у афіцыйным друку – ганьба для сістэмы. Так мяркуе беларуская незалежная супольнасць праваабаронцаў і журналістаў. Пракуратура ў крымінальнай справе адмовіла.