

March 16, 2009

Shqip Media searched by Macedonian police

“Shqip Media” newspaper journalists were stopped and searched by police on their way to cover election campaign in FYR Macedonia. The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) condemns the Macedonian police action against a group of journalists from Albania.

March 16, 2009

Analysis: Freedom of Organisation in Belarus

More than a half of all NGOs, which actually function in the Republic of Belarus, are unregistered. It means their activists work under the “sword of Damocles”, risking criminal prosecution every day. Still, they encounter a great deal of trouble in attempts to legalise their activities.

March 15, 2009

АГЛЯД: Свабода аб’яднанняў у Беларусі

Пасля чатырохгадовага перапынку 6-7 сакавіка ў Менску прайшла Асамблея няўрадавых арганізацыяў. Мерапрыемства сталася форумам для абмеркавання праблем трэцяга сектару ў Беларусі. Прапануем чытачам агляд спектру думак на гэтую тэму.

March 13, 2009

Three independent broadcast media stations in DR Congo face closure

On 11 March 2009, the mayor of Likasi, Denis Kalondji Ngoy, ordered the closure of Community Radio of Katanga (RCK) and Radiotélévision Likasi 4 (RTL4). The mayor’s decision was supported by the provincial authorities of Katanga. On 12 March, journalists from the two independent media outlets, who had been threatened and pressured for several days, finally agreed to comply with the mayor’s decision. A third media outlet, All Gospel Radio (RPE) also received orders to close. RPE host Gilbert Nawezi has been ordered off the airways since last week.

March 13, 2009

-Major IDP crises neglected, says UN expert

The United Nations independent expert on internally displaced people, Walter Kalin, right, called Friday for more attention to be paid to some of the world’s most serious displacement crises, including those caused by natural disasters and by the conflicts in the Republic of Somalia, Sri Lanka and Republic of the Sudan.

March 13, 2009

Sudan: Arrest warrant for al-Bashir threatens aid for civilians

The Sudanese government suspended the work of 13 major humanitarian aid agencies in response to an International Criminal Court warrant, issued for the arrest of President al-Bashir on 4 March. Not only does this create an imminent crisis for refugees, but it also provides ammunition for court critics.

March 13, 2009

Building the culture of children’s participation

The lack of mechanisms for hearing the children’s voice is the reason why their voice hasn’t been heard, as well as the reason why the children are not active participants in the making and creation of changes. The project Building culture for children’s participation is one important step forward to achievement of this aim.

March 13, 2009

Конкурс на участие в конференции по международному праву в правозащитной деятельности

Секретариат международной сети Домов прав человека – Фонд Домов прав человека – объявляет о проведении Международной Конференции «Применение международного права в правозащитной практике» и приеме заявок на участие.

March 12, 2009

Small breakthrough in Kony hunt

Last week’s capture of Lords Resistance Army commander Thomas Kwoyelo bought Republic of Uganda more time to do what it has been unable to for the past three months: put an end to LRA leader Joseph Kony, right. Kwoyelo was wounded in a clash with Republic of Uganda forces in the remote regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, and became Uganda’s biggest prize in the on-going mission.

March 12, 2009

Advanced Course on International Protection of Human Rights

To: Monday, 20. April 2009 Where: Turku/Aabo, Finland, Aabo Akademi University, Gezeliusgatan 2, 20500 Host: The Institute for Human Rights at Aabo Akademi University More info:

March 11, 2009

EHAHRD-Net calls on the international community to take decisive action in Ethiopia

The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Network( EHAHRD-Net) today joined with Yared Hailemariam, founding member of EHAHRD-Net, in encouraging the international community at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, right, to call on the Ethiopian government for the immediate repeal or amendment of the Charities and Societies Proclamation, which was passed by Parliament in January 2009.

March 11, 2009

Afghanistan: Kambakhsh sentence cannot stand

We must do everything in our power to secure the release of the young Afghan journalist, says Padraig Reidy, news editor of Index on Censorship.