

March 26, 2009

Darfuris’ mixed feelings over Bashir warrant

“We are really very happy about the arrest warrant against al-Bashir. It is a victory for [Darfur refugees],” said Adam Bush, a refugee and spokesman for some of the nearly 150,000 Darfuris living in around the town of Zalingi. “However, we see the genocide charge has not been included in the charges – but we believe this is a genocide.”

March 26, 2009

Дзень волі: запалохванні, штрафы і зняволенні

Каля 3000 дэманстрантаў 25 сакавіка ў сталіцы пазбеглі сутычак з міліцыяй падчас. Аднак свята свабоды мірных сходаў у Беларусі яшчэ не надышло. За кулісамі і ў правінцыі – усё тая ж тактыка запалохвання і ўціску.

March 26, 2009

Anti-extremism laws and freedom of conscience in Russia

SOVA Center claims that Russian citizens face lots of problems when seeking to exercise their right to freedom of conscience. Russian anti-extremism legislation is unable to control the process.

March 26, 2009

LGBTTIQ workshops in Sarajevo high schools

In the beginning of February, the Youth Group of the Helsinki Committee in BiH (OGHKBH) began the implementation of the project “Same rights, different us”. The project aims to educate and inform high school students on the topic of LGBTTIQ population and give the support to LGBTTIQ persons in B&H.

March 26, 2009

New edition of Megjashi e-newsletter released

New release of e-newsletter of The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi regarding implemented activities in the period from October 2008 to March 2009, available for download.

March 25, 2009

18 new members will be elected to the UN Human Rights Council in May

More than 30 human rights organizations from around the world today wrote to each state in the United Nations’ five regional groups to urge them to present competitive slates for election to the Human Rights Council. In public letters, the coalition said that regional groups should put forward more candidates than there are open seats to allow the universal membership of the United Nations to select the best candidates from each region.

March 25, 2009

“Freedom Day”: activists intimidated, fined and imprisoned

Around 3000 demonstrators in the capital of Republic of Belarus avoided clashes with security forces during the opposition’s traditional holiday. Yet, it was not the triumph of the freedom of assembly and expression. Behind the curtain, the authorities stuck to usual intimidation and pressure tactics.

March 25, 2009

Lack of political will to enact special tribunal

The Kenyan government should urgently renew efforts to revise and enact bills to create a special tribunal to try those responsible for last year’s election violence, Human Rights Watch said today. The organization also issued a memo explaining the procedures of the International Criminal Court in relation to the special tribunal.

March 25, 2009

Opportunity missed to arrest Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir

“Egypt and other members of the League of Arab States should not shield President al-Bashir, right, from international justice”, said Irene Khan, right, Amnesty International’s Secretary General. “His presence in Egypt today should have been an opportunity to enforce the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court.”

March 25, 2009

Sir Ken Macdonald QC joins Index on Censorship

Sir Ken Macdonald QC, Former Director of Public Prosecutions, has joined the board of Index on Censorship, the leading free expression advocacy group.

March 25, 2009

Raising local voices in Croatia

Harmonization of the Croatian legal system with the legal standards of the EU, represents one of the main challenges of the Croatian integration process. The Law of free legal help and Anti-discriminatory law are mere examples of new regulative frames which emerged out of need of coherence of Croatian legal system with those in EU.

March 25, 2009

Rights of the child not fully respected

Interview with Dragi Zmijanac, Director of the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi.