

April 23, 2009

-Revise repressive press law, says HRW to Sudan

-Revising the draft press act is a critical step in the law reform process. The government’s pre-print censorship, harassment, and arrests of journalists, editors, and human rights activists are stifling free speech as Republic of the Sudan faces crucial elections, says Georgette Gagnon, right, Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

April 23, 2009

Iran: American-Iranian journalist sentenced

English PEN is seriously concerned about the eight-year prison sentence handed down to Iranian-American journalist and writer Roxana Saberi.

April 23, 2009

NGOs in B&H condemn the attack by Tasim Kucevic

Human Rights House Sarajevo supported the initiative of non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) who most severly condemn the physical and verbal attack made by Tasim Kucevic (on right), women trafficker and organizer of forced prostitution, on the family member of one of his victims. The attack happened yesterday in front of the building of the Court of B&H.

April 22, 2009

“Azadlig” newspaper correspondent released after five-day detention

The appeal of “Azadliq” newspaper Ganja region correspondent Ershad Ibrahimov, who was arrested on 17 April, was considered on 22 April and the decision of Ganja City’s Nizami District Court has been annulled. The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) was told by the journalist’s lawyer Alayif Hasanov that Ibrahimov was released in the court hall.

April 22, 2009

Prosecuting war crimes in Croatia

Documenta, Civic Committee for Human Rights (GOLJP) and Center for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights Osijek, held a round table late last month in Zagreb, on topic Prosecutions of war crimes in the Republic of Croatia. These organizations also published a report “Monitoring war crimes trials” for year 2008.

April 22, 2009

Renesansa at IBCM meeting

Interconference Breast Cancer Meeting

April 20, 2009

Political prisoners still a Belarusian reality

Artsiom Dubski, a youth activist, was recently released from jail. However, private entrepreneurs leaders from Vaŭkavysk still remain imprisoned. One of them, Mikhail Autukhovich, went on a hunger strike.

April 20, 2009

New HCHR report on human rights in Macedonia

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (HCHR) in the Republic of Macedonia published their monthly report on the human rights situation in the Republic of Macedonia for March 2009.

April 20, 2009

Training for Lawyers

Anti-Discrimination Law

April 19, 2009

EHAHRDP and Protection International security training

The Protection Desk Uganda(PDU), a collaborative initiative between the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project(EHAHRDP) and Protection International (PI), will be holding a two-day training in security management in Uganda on the 17th and 18th April.

April 18, 2009

Another Somali journalist arrested for reporting “false news”

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) denounces the illegal detention of journalist Muhyadin Hassan Mohammed in Baidoa of Bay region. Al-Shabaab forces arrested Muhyadin, a stringer for Radio Shabelle in Bay regions, from his home around 20:00 hours of Friday, April 17.

April 18, 2009

Палітвязні ў Беларусі не пераводзяцца

З-за кратаў выйшаў маладзёвы актывіст Арцём Дубскі. Аднак у турме па-ранейшаму застаюцца лідэры індывідуальных прадпрымальнікаў з Ваўкавыску. Адзін з іх – Мікалай Аўтуховіч – абвясціў галадоўку.