

April 29, 2009

Belarus: truth about Chernobyl unwanted

The country that suffered the most from the worst atomic catastrophe in 20th century plans to build its own nuclear power plant. Protesters against murky government plans are forcefully silenced.

April 28, 2009

Three journalists arrested; radio station ordered closed in Somalia

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) deplores the closure of Jubba Private radio station and the arrest of three journalists working for the station in Baidoa.

April 28, 2009

All-African HR defenders conference agrees on bold declaration

85 human rights defenders, representing nearly all countries throughout Africa, were gathered last week to commemorate the achievements of the similar conference in Johannesburg ten years ago, and look ahead at forthcoming challenges. The ‘Joburg + 10’ conference concluded on the 23rd of April, with the announcement of an ambitious, confident declaration. Read the whole Kampala Declaration on Human Rights Defenders below.

April 28, 2009

AIDS activists in Burundi condemn new anti-gay law

Burundian AIDS activists and international human rights groups have condemned a new criminal code that criminalises homosexuality in the central African country. The Burundian Senate overwhelmingly voted against the draft bill in February, but in March the lower house of parliament reversed this decision, and President Pierre Nkurunziza signed it into law on 22 April.

April 28, 2009

Беларуская ўлада не хоча праўды пра Чарнобыль

Дзяржава, якая найбольш пацярпела ад найстрашнейшай атамнай катастрофы ХХ ст., плануе пабудову ўласнай АЭС. Пратэстоўцаў супраць непразрыстых планаў ураду – прымушаюць змоўкнуць.

April 27, 2009

UN scaling up protection of civilians in Darfur

With a “low-intensity” war continuing in Sudan’s Darfur region, the joint United Nations-African Union force (UNAMID) has increasingly prevented large-scale civilian disasters, the mission’s chief said today. “Our UNAMID teams are working around the clock to prevent killings, violence and new conflict from developing,” Rodolphe Adada told the Security Council in a regular briefing on Darfur this morning.

April 27, 2009

Norwegian Parliament withstands Chinese pressure

Norwegian Parliament (called Stortinget) was due to host a luncheon for a visiting
delegation from the People´s Republic of China earlier this week, but the 20 April event turned into a
diplomatic standoff.

April 27, 2009

Support to non-violent students’ resistance

Non-governmental organizations Center for Peace Studies (CMS) and Regional Address of Non-violent Acting (RAND) express their full support to students from Zagreb and Zadar in their intention to point out the social injustice regarding education in the Republic of Croatia, by using non-violent methods.

April 27, 2009

Human Rigths House in Azerbaijan opened doors on 25 April (pictures)

On Saturday, 25 April, a symbolic ceremony marked the opening of the Human Rights House in Baku. Ambassadors of Norway and Great Britain, representatives from the OSCE, US Embassy, Swiss Embassy and the European Union as well as local human rights defenders, Turan Agency and American Bar Association came to mark this significant event.

April 27, 2009

Open letter to Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan

24 prominent Azeri intellectuals, civil society and NGO leaders wrote an open letter to Ilham Aliyev demanding from him not to limit your speeches only by stating economic and social objectives, but to make public the specific program on democratization and political reforms, which would promote Azerbaijan’s speedy integration in European structures.

April 27, 2009

Open letter to Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan

Respected Mr. President! As the representatives of the nation which was the leader of democratization in the Muslim world and created the first Democratic Republic with the Parliamentary rule, as the heirs of the ideas of freedom and liberal reforms, declared by our enlighteners and founders of the republic, which had a significant influence on […]

April 27, 2009

Workshop in MWRC

Networking on Local Level