

May 10, 2009

-Stop wounding journalists, says NUSOJ to warring parties in Mogadishu

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) calls on the warring parties in Mogadishu to cease hostilities and respect journalists’ rights to do their job without harm. Today, the fighting in Mogadishu resulted in four journalists, all working for private media outlets, being wounded in shelling.

May 10, 2009

Што дазволена мужчыну, жанчыне – не?

Нягледзячы на фармальную роўнасць палоў, беларускія ўлады не расцэньваюць жанчын як роўных удзельніц палітычнага працэсу. Цікавыя факты пра гендэрныя адносіны і планы перадачы ўлады ў Беларусі ад бацькі сыну разглядаліся ў хадзе дыскусіі за круглым сталом у віленскім Доме правоў чалавека.

May 8, 2009

Seminar on the HR situation in Iran

Under the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the HR situation in Iran has gone from bad to worse. In 2008, 346 people were executed in the country. Among them were also children.

May 7, 2009

Yemen: Seven newspapers confiscated and one daily’s office under siege

ARTICLE 19 calls on the Yemeni government to immediately lift all forms of
censorship on the media and return confiscated newspapers.

May 7, 2009

al-Bashir invitation a dilemma for inauguration of South Africa’s next president

South Africa faces a diplomatic dilemma. It invited Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, right, to president-elect Jacob Zuma’s inauguration on Saturday, but hopes he will stay away as the government would have to arrest him for alleged war crimes.

May 6, 2009

World Press Freedom Day conference commits to tackle impunity and repressive media laws

Representatives from 11 countries in Eastern Africa have resolved to carry out a campaign against repressive media laws and the culture of impunity in the region.

May 6, 2009

-Teach religions, not religion, says Macedonia’s Constitutional Court

The Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights welcomes the decision made by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia, which once again abolishes teaching one religion at the expense of others in primary schools.

May 5, 2009

Leading Sudanese HR defender released

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), welcomes the release of Mr. Mohamed Al Mahgoub, Director of the North Darfur branch of the Amel Centre for Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture, who was detained incommunicado since April 11, 2009.

May 5, 2009

Average marks for East African press freedom

Four years ago, a furious Lucy Kibaki, Kenya’s First Lady, marked World Press Freedom Day by storming the offices of leading independent publisher the Nation Group with her entourage. She was outraged by the group’s portrayal of her dispute with a neighbour and seized phones and laptops in a demonstration of the low respect one powerful figure has for a free press.

May 5, 2009

International festival: Build bridges, not walls!

The international seven-day festival “Build bridges, not walls” had its grand opening on the 17th of April in the city of Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina. The festival promoted understanding between societal divides through concerts, theatrical performances and seminars.

May 5, 2009

Літва і Беларусь: палітыкі нармалізацыі. Адкрытая дыскусія

У межах адкрытай дыскусіі выступяць маладыя акадэмікі і актывісты з Літвы (Дайва Рапечкайце, Ніда Васіляускайце, Кароліс Клімка) і Беларусі (Яўгенія Іванова, Аляксей Крывалап, Алена Мінчэня, Зміцер Герыловіч), якія паспрабуюць асэнсаваць парадоксы беларускай улады, правілы (дзяржаўнага) клопату ў Беларусі, эфекты “натуральнай” канцэпцыі літоўскай сям’і, паняцце “правільнага” грамадзянства ў Літве.

May 4, 2009

World Press Freedom Day statement

In honor of World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2009, the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders expresses its concern about the press freedom situation in Georgia, Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan. Bans on independent and opposition media outlets, censorship, and harassment of journalists remain serious concerns in all three countries. In addition, in the Republic of Azerbaijan, unlike Georgia and Republic of Armenia, defamation is a criminal offence.