

July 1, 2009

Draft amendments to NGO law improved but still raise concern

Most of the questions causing concern of civil society have been eliminated from the renewed amendments.

June 30, 2009

African Journalists leaders’ summit outlines strategies to roll back impunity and defend journalists

Leaders of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists, strongly condemned at their biannual meeting in Djibouti on June 23rd, the unsafe and precarious working conditions of journalists in Africa.

June 30, 2009

Statement of the HFHR on the private indictment in the case of Janusz Palikot vs. „Dziennik”

Position of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights concerning Janusz Palikot’s private indictment and civil litigation against the journalists and Publisher of the newspaper „Dziennik”.

June 30, 2009

Amendments to NGO law in Azerbaijan not approved (updated)

Lawmakers in the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 30th backed away from approving new restrictions on civil society that had been harshly criticised by local and foreign rights groups.

June 30, 2009

Follow-up note on the view Belyatsky et al. vs. Belarus

The Belarusian Human Rights House is presenting the Follow-Up Note for the UN Human Rights Committee on the case of the well-known Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski (Alexander Belyatsky) et al. versus Republic of Belarus considering the repetead non-registration by the Government of the human rights NGO “Nasha Viasna”.

June 30, 2009

PACE: Right to life for every Belarusian should be guaranteed

The Belarusian parliament will remain stigmatised by Europe unless the death penalty is abolished. On 23 June the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution to lift the suspension of Special Guest status for the Parliament of Republic of Belarus with a condition that is directly related to one of the fundamental human rights – the right to life.

June 29, 2009

Ugandan government speaks out in favour of international human rights and justice mechanisms

The Ugandan government has shown its support for victims of human rights violations by publicly speaking out in favour of international justice and independent human rights monitoring mechanisms at two key events; the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) encourages other governments in the East African region to follow its lead.

June 29, 2009

Azerbaijan to abolish independent NGO sector?

Intigam Aliyev, President of the Legal Education Society, Republic of Azerbaijan, says the purpose of amendments to the legislation on non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan is ‘to abolish independent NGO sector.’

June 29, 2009

Умова ПАРЕ: гарантаваць кожнаму беларусу права на жыццё

Парламенцкая асамблея Рады Еўропы 23 чэрвеня прыняла рашэнне: вярнуць беларускаму парламенту статус адмыслова запрошанага магчыма пры ўмове, якая непасрэдна датычыцца аднаго з асноўных правоў чалавека – права на жыццё. На думку еўрапейскіх парламентароў, Беларусь павінна ўвесці мараторый на смяротнае пакаранне.

June 29, 2009

Press Conference

Semi-annual report on war crimes in Croatia

June 28, 2009

New charges against political prisoner

Mikalai Autokhovich, who is considered a political prisoner by human rights defenders, is suspected in one more crime according to Article 295.3 of the Belarusian Criminal Code. He is incriminated illegal activities with weapons and ammunition.

June 28, 2009

Новыя абвінавачванні супраць палітвязня

Мікалай Аўтуховіч, які, на думку беларускіх праваабаронцаў, з’яўляецца палітычным вязнем, прызнаны падазроным ва ўчыненні яшчэ аднаго злачынства, рэгламентаванага часткай 3 артыкула 295 Крымінальнага кодэксу Рэспублікі Беларусь. На гэты раз яму пагражае абвінавачванне ў незаконных дзеяннях са зброяй і боепрыпасамі.