

July 5, 2009

Сетка ДПЧ супраць парушэння свабоды асацыяцый у заканадаўстве Беларусі

Сетка Дамоў правоў чалавека далучылася да кампаніі “Не артыкулу 193.1!”, якая ажыццяўляецца пад эгідай Асамблеі НДА з мэтай дамагчыся скасавання часткі 1 артыкула 193 Крымінальнага кодэксу Рэспублікі Беларусь.

July 4, 2009

Sixth journalist killed in Somalia this year

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) renewed its call of immediate end of hostilities in Mogadishu as the 6th journalist this year was shot dead today in the capital city.

July 3, 2009

HRH Network protests freedom of association abuses in the Belarusian legislation

HRH Network has joined the campaign “No to Article 193.1!” The campaign is headed by the NGO Assembly and its goal is to force cancellation of the article 193.1 of the Belarusian Criminal Code.

July 3, 2009

Say NO to the waiting list for Herceptin

Association Renesansa from Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing petition signing in Sarajevo for the elimination of the waiting list for the cure against breast cancer, Herceptin. In the most regional countries, this cure is available for all women who suffer from the breast cancer, while 87 women in Federation B&H are on the waiting list for it.

July 2, 2009

Kurdish journalist gets 10 year jail term

-One day, this journalist is sentenced to death. Two years later he gets a ten-year sentence. We reiterate our call for his immediate release.-Reporters without Borders

July 2, 2009

Call for end to legislative attack on Ethiopian civil society

“The Ethiopian parliament should bring an end to the legal affront on independent civil society by rejecting the current Draft Anti-Terrorism Proclamation which requires significant amendments if basic human rights, notably the freedom of expression and assembly, protected under the country’s national, regional and international obligations are to be respected,” says the international human rights defenders’ organisation Frontline.

July 2, 2009

‘We call it a Victory’

The parliament ruled on 30 June to drop all measures intended to severely restrict NGOs activities. It was with a mixture of joy and surprise that Azerbaijani civil liberties activists received the news that the draft law had been scrapped. But there continues to be grave concern among activists and human rights organisations, reports Vugar Gojayev

July 2, 2009

Helsinki Committee comments Tadic’s visit to Banja Luka

President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H, Srdjan Dizdarevic reckons the visit of president of Republic of Serbia, Boris Tadic to Banja Luka (Serbian entity of B&H), had the purpose of cooling down the tensions and purpose of decreasing the potential reaction of the political management of Republic of Srpska, after the decision of High Representative on suspension of all decisions made by National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska.

July 2, 2009

Дадатковы запіс (нота) адносна пазіцыі па справе Бяляцкага супраць Беларусі

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека прэзентуе дадатковы запіс (ноту) дзеля Камітэту ААН па правах чалавека наконт справы вядомага беларускага праваабаронцы Алеся Бяляцкага (Аляксандра Бяляцкага) супраць Беларусі ў сувязі з паўторнай адмовай Урадам у перарэгістрацыі няўрадавага грамадскага аб’яднання – Цэнтра па правах чалавека “Наша вясна”.

July 2, 2009

Abolition of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code

More than 30 organisations of the Human Rights House Network express our deep regret that Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus establishes criminal responsibility for activities of unregistered civil organizations.

July 2, 2009

Public debate

Draft of NGO Report for UPR of B&H

July 2, 2009

Call for petition signing

NO to the waiting list for Herceptin