

June 19, 2009

Vietnam: Arrest of a pragmatist

Lawyer Le Cong Dinh (right) has always worked to change the system from within – which is exactly why his arrest is troubling, says Roby Alampay

June 19, 2009

HRH Zagreb sends open letter to the Government

Five organizations from Human Rights House Zagreb addressed the Open letter to the president of the Republic of Croatia, and to the Prime Minister and the president of the Assembly, urging them to clearly and openly condemn human rights violations in the People´s Republic of China during the visit of the president of People’s Republic of China, Hu Jintao, to Republic of Croatia.

June 19, 2009

Distance learning for human rights lawyers

From September on about 25-30 lawyers from four post-soviet countries will be enrolled into a year long course Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers. They will learn to apply human rights concepts in their daily practice without leaving their homes.

June 19, 2009

Attackers of journalist still not caught

More than one year after the brutal assault on Dusan Miljus, an investigative reporter for the Croatian daily newspaper Jutarnji List, his attackers are yet to be arrested. The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), calls on the Croatian authorities to further ensure Miljus’s protection and to bring to justice those responsible for the attack.

June 18, 2009

HR organisations protest proposed amendments to NGO law in Azerbaijan (updated)

Freedom of association and the rights of human rights defenders are at risk of being severely curtailed in the Republic of Azerbaijan, should a set of amendments to the republic’s Law on Non-Governmental Organizations be adopted by the Azeri parliament, right, tomorrow. The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders and members of the Human Rights House Network express their concern in letters of concern, below.

June 18, 2009

Iran: “I will continue to report but I fear that I may be arrested”

Huge rallies in Tehran earlier this week saw hundreds of thousands of people defy bans and take to the streets to protest at the declaration that the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, had won Friday’s poll over the more moderate Mir Hossein Mousavi.

June 18, 2009

Religion is the opiate of the people?

The administrative committee of the Horki municipality (Mahilou region, East Belarus) quantified damages caused by Bible and the Universal Human Rights Declaration. Piatro Malanachkin, a local protestant, was fined for distributing religious and human rights literature and other printed materials.

June 18, 2009

Government criticizes HCHR harshly and clumsily

An interview with Iso Rusi, right, President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in FYR Macedonia (HCHR) regarding the relation that Macedonian government has toward Helsinki Committee and the NGO sector in FYR Macedonia, in general.

June 18, 2009

Round table on availability rights

With a round table discussion on the topic of “Availability – the basic human right to movement, international standards and experiences”, Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Association – HSUTI, has ended the project “Availability – basic human right to movement”.

June 18, 2009

Рэлігія – опіюм для народу?

Адміністрацыйная камісія Горацкага райвыканкаму падлічыла, якую шкоду гораду нясуць Біблія і Дэкларацыя правоў чалавека. За распаўсюд гэтай і іншай літаратуры рэлігійнага і праваабарончага зместу мясцовы пратэстант Пятро Маланачкін атрымаў штраф.

June 18, 2009

Concern over proposed amendments to the NGO law

The Human Rights House Network is highly concerned about the draft amendments to the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental organizations (public associations and foundations)” that are due to be discussed on 19 June by the Parliament of Republic of Azerbaijan.

June 18, 2009

South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders concerned about new NGO law in Azerbaijan

The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders is alarmed about the draft amendments to the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental organizations (public associations and foundations)” that are due to be discussed on 19 June by the Parliament of Republic of Azerbaijan.