

July 15, 2009

HRW calls for investigation of series of new punitive house-burnings and other violations

On July 2, 2009, Human Rights Watch published a report, “‘What Your Children Do Will Touch Upon You’: Punitive House-Burning in the Chechen Republic “, documenting a pattern of house burnings and extrajudicial killing by security forces to punish families for the alleged involvement by their relatives in the insurgency.

July 15, 2009

Draft of the joint report for UPR presented to NGO sector in B&H

Human Rights House of Sarajevo (HRH Sarajevo) held a press conference for journalists and public debate for NGO sector on July 9th, regarding the Draft of the Joint NGO Report for UPR of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2010.

July 15, 2009

New codex for media reporting on child abuse

First Children`s Embassy in the World – Megjashi has organized two basic trainings for 33 journalists in the field of children rights, with special accent on the sexual abuse of children and pedophilia.

July 15, 2009

New Polish media law endangers public-service media, says OSCE media freedom representative

Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said that Poland’s new media law fails to secure the financial and editorial independence of public-service media and urged President Lech Kaczynski to send the law for review by the Constitutional Court.

July 15, 2009

HRHF travels to Georgia

HRHF travels to Georgia for a regional meeting with the representatives of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders. The Network will be launched on 16 July 2009.

July 14, 2009

Rape, attack, and torture surge in eastern DRC

Rape, forced labor, reprisal attacks and torture are surging in eastern Congo as the result of the recent UN-backed military offensive, according to a new in-depth survey of nearly 600 villagers carried out by international aid agency Oxfam. Right, Congolese IDPs.

July 14, 2009

Youth organisations unite to protect the rights of arrested activists

Today, 14 July, in the press center of the Baku Human Rights House, a press conference was held in connection with the arrest of “Alumni Network” Youth Organization Coordinator, ANTV Online TV Leader Emin Milli and one of the “OL” Youth Organization coordinators, well-known video-blogger Adnan Hajizade.

July 14, 2009

Uganda will arrest Bashir

A senior cabinet minister in the Republic of Uganda yesterday said Republic of the Sudan President Omar El Bashir, right, faces arrest if he visits Republic of Uganda – only days after the government invited the leader to attend a top-level summit.

July 14, 2009

Annual report of the Center for Human Rights

The annual report of the Center for Human Rights in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, contains a review of last year’s work and activities, and an overview of the human rights situation in the Republic of Croatia in 2008.

July 14, 2009

6th X-Press Session

B&H journalism between margins and sides in conflict

July 13, 2009

UN Human Rights Committee begins its review of Azerbaijan

-None of the crimes committed against journalists have been properly investigated. The perpetrators have not received any punishment to this day. These were among the facts presented by HRHF Geneva, on behalf of the South Caucasus Network for Human Rights Defenders, at the opening of the UN Human Rights Committee’s review of Republic of Azerbaijan today.

July 13, 2009

UK government abolishes seditious libel and criminal defamation

Writers and freedom of speech campaigners expressed relief on Friday that the UK government has finally relented and agreed to abolish the offences of seditious libel and criminal defamation. The Ministry of Justice’s move comes after a long campaign by free speech organisations, their advocates, and opposition politicians.