

July 22, 2009

Bosnian Serb cousins convicted by UN tribunal over horrific burnings

The United Nations tribunal set up in the wake of the Balkan conflicts in the 1990s, convicted on July 20th two Bosnian Serb cousins of war crimes, including the burning alive of scores of Muslim women, children and elderly men, an act the court said ranks among “the worst acts of inhumanity that a person may inflict upon others.”

July 22, 2009

UN experts offer assistance in investigation of Natalia Estemirova’s killing

Neither UN human rights experts nor Memorial members believe Russian authorities will investigate the killing of Natalia Estemirova effectively and impartially and bring perpetrators to justice. The office of the Russian human rights group Memorial is being closed
because of concern for the staff’s safety. For some, it removes the last layer of protection for ordinary Chechens.

July 22, 2009

Еўразвяз аб (не)выкананні ў Беларусі асноўных свабодаў

16 ліпеня на пасяджэнні Пастаяннай рады АБСЕ Еўрапейскім Звязам (ЕЗ) была зробленая заява па сітуацыі ў Беларусі. ЕЗ асудзіў рэжым у Беларусі адносна невыканання такіх фундаментальных свабодаў, як свабода слова і свабода асацыяцыяў.

July 22, 2009

Azerbaijan: the Government presents another face than reality

The third periodic review of Republic of Azerbaijan by the UN Human Rights Committee was held on 20 and 21 July 2009. The freedoms of expression, association, and assembly are currently under serious threat in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

July 22, 2009

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women review of Azerbaijan

More information on the review of Azerbaijan at the 44th Session of CEDAW:

July 20, 2009

HFHR makes statement on Foreign Affairs Minister’s utterances on death penalty

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights made a statement on 17 July 2009 referring to the comment of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, right, on death penalty in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

July 20, 2009

Беларускія праваабаронцы вучацца прымяняць міжнароднае права ў сваёй дзейнасці

У маі-чэрвені гэтага года адбыліся два семінары другога этапу праграмы для беларускіх адвакатаў і праваабаронцаў “Міжнароднае права ў праваабарончай дзейнасці”. Арганізатары і ўдзельнікі мерапрыемстваў займаліся вырашэннем пытанняў па паляпшэнні праваабарончай дзейнасці і абмяркоўвалі магчымыя шляхі выкарыстання міжнародна-прававых механізмаў абароны правоў чалавека ў нацыянальнай практыцы.

July 19, 2009

New assaults on freedom of expression in Belarus

In last days several authorities’ actions, which bluntly could be called as violations of the freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution and international treaties, were recorded. Official warnings were issued for ‘illegal’ journalist activities as well as the access to information was denied to independent media on ideological grounds.

July 18, 2009

Новы наступ на свабоду слова ў Беларусі

У мінулыя дні ў Беларусі зафіксаваны цэлы шэраг захадаў, якія абагульнена можна назваць парушэннем свабоды слова, гарантаванай разнастайнымі міжнароднымі пагадненнямі і Канстытуцыяй Рэспублікі Беларусь. Сярод іх – папярэджанні, звязаныя з ажыццяўленнем “незаконнай” журналісцкай дзейнасці, а таксама адмова ў прадастаўленні інфармацыі недзяржаўным СМІ па ідэалагічных прычынах.

July 18, 2009

2010 ICC Review conference

Human Rights Network Republic of Uganda (HURINET-U) and the Republic of Uganda Coalition for the International Criminal Court (UCICC) as members of the Global Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), would like to proudly recall the landmark resolution by States to establish the first permanent International Criminal Tribunal at the 1998 Rome Conference.

July 18, 2009

On the AU Summit in Libya

Between 1st July 2002 and December 2008, Thirty African States took bold moves with the rest of the world when each individually ratified the Rome Statute and expressed to the inhabitants of their respective territories and to humanity at large that impunity had no place any more and each committed through ratification to cooperate with the International Criminal Court in its various requests including arrest and surrender of suspects.

July 17, 2009

Top leaders accused of planning violence

Leading politicians, senior police officers, provincial administrators, religious leaders and wealthy businessmen feature prominently in a new report on the post-election violence. Ministers and MPs are named as some of those who funded the chaos that claimed the lives of 1,300 people early last year.