

July 27, 2009

Uganda: More than 1.4 million IDPs have gone home since 2006

Since relative peace returned to northern Republic of Uganda in 2006 after more than two decades of conflict, some 80 percent of the more than 1.8 people in camps for the internally displaced have returned home. Right, typical IDP camp in Northern Republic of Uganda.

July 27, 2009

Адмова ў рэгістрацыі БХД: Вярхоўны суд падтрымаў пазіцыю Мін’юсту

Вярхоўны суд пакінуў скаргу заснавальнікаў партыі “Беларуская хрысціянская дэмакратыя” на рашэнне Міністэрства юстыцыі аб адмове ў рэгістрацыі без здавальнення. Прадстаўнікі аргкамітэту БХД даводзілі суду пра палітычную матываванасць рашэння Мін’юсту. Аднак Вярхоўны суд палічыў адмову ў рэгістрацыі БХД законнай.

July 27, 2009

Касацыйныя скаргі дэмакратычных актывістаў не здаволеныя абласным судом

Касацыйныя скаргі пяці актывістаў Аб’яднаных дэмакратычных сіл Гомельскай вобласці: Пятра Кузняцова, Уладзіміра Кацоры, Юрася Захаранкі, Анатоля Паплаўнага і Васіля Палякова, пададзеныя ў Гомельскі абласны суд у сувязі з пакараннем за ўдзел у праведзенай 7 мая гэтага года акцыі памяці гвалтоўна зніклага былога міністра ўнутраных спраў генерала Юрыя Захаранкі, былі адхіленыя 22 ліпеня.

July 24, 2009

Somali journalists confront challenges of security, impunity and standards

A Somali national journalists’ conference launched in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, today (Friday) focused on the threats posed by the high rate of killing of journalists, kidnappings, torture and intimidation of media professionals, and heard calls for an end to the culture of impunity that has been the scourge of media activity in the Republic of Somalia since 1991.

July 24, 2009

Polish Public Television before the ECHR

On 16 July 2009 the European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in the case Wojtas-Kaleta v. Republic of Poland in which Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights as a third party submitted their comments. The Court found that there was a violation of Article 10 of the Convention.

July 24, 2009

Kofi Annan puts Kenyan politicians on the spot

The options narrow for the Kenyan government, which now has until the end of September to set up an independent special tribunal on the post-election violence of December 2007. The recent launch of a Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission, no matter how wide the mandate, won’t change anything with regards to the ICC process.

July 24, 2009

EU on (not) fulfilling basic freedoms by Belarus

EU made a statement on the situation in the Republic of Belarus during the OSCE Permanent Council plenary meeting. EU noted with concern not fulfilling of fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of expression and association, by the authorities.

July 24, 2009

B&H: Women with breast cancer struggle for life

Association Renesansa demands from the authorities of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (F B&H) to eliminate the waiting list for the cure Herceptin, the cure that is essential for the breast cancer therapy, which is in the most regional countries available for all women who suffer from breast cancer, while in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are 87 women on the Herceptin waiting list.

July 24, 2009

CMS appeals to Croatian government

CMS appealed to the Government of Republic of Croatia (RH) to base its strategies and measures for financial crisis prevention on the concept of human security, having in mind the priority of basic living needs of citizens of RH.

July 24, 2009

Belarusian HR defenders learning to apply international law

In May-June this year the second phase of seminars for Belarusian human rights defenders and lawyers, International Law in Advocacy, took place. Organisers and participants focused on improving their practices as well as learnt to use international law mechanisms for improving the human rights condition domestically.

July 24, 2009

Tuzla: Call for signatures

NO to the waiting list for Herceptin

July 24, 2009

2nd part of Education Program

Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!