

August 10, 2009

New law on media: 6 months since implementation

It has been six months since the new law on mass media was enacted in the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian Association of Journalists has summed up the period under this new legislative act stressing both positive and negative moments. Andrei Bastunets, a BAJ deputy chair, thinks that “the new law does not guarantee a proper access to information for journalist and for the society at large.”

August 8, 2009

Новы закон “Аб СМІ”: паўгода ў сіле

Вось ужо шэсць месяцаў у Беларусі дзейнічае новы закон “Аб сродках масавай інфармацыі”. “Беларуская асацыяцыя журналістаў” падсумавала паўгоддзе з законам, адзначыўшы як некаторыя пазітыўныя, так і негатыўныя моманты яго дзеяння. На думку намесніка старшыні БАЖ Андрэя Бастунца, “…новы закон “Аб СМІ” не забяспечыў доступу журналістаў, а значыць, і грамадcтва, да інфармацыі”.

August 7, 2009

Viridarium: Jedwabne-Srebrenica Meeting

On the 6th of July – in anticipation of the 10th of this month – The Viridarium Group organised a commemoration evening of two anniversaries: of the murder of Jews in the village of Jedwabne, Republic of Poland (1942) and of Moslem refugees in Srebrenica, former Yugoslavia (1995).

August 7, 2009

The end of the road for independent media in Gambia?

News that six Gambian journalists have been jailed for two years for “ridiculing the head of state” signal that the country has become one of Africa’s worst abusers of press freedom. The convictions could effectively be the end of the country’s independent press.

August 6, 2009

Congress of Psychiatric Associations of Eastern Europe and Balkans.

A meeting devoted to the 20th anniversary of Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia and a round table on the problems of rights of the citizens adjudged to be legally incapable will be hold within the Congress of Psychiatric Associations of Eastern Europe and Balkans.

August 5, 2009

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination begins its review on Poland

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, for its 75th session from 3 to 28 August 2009. The Committee is reviewing Poland’s 17th to 19th periodic reports from 5 to 6 August.

August 4, 2009

CINEMA AGAINST LIES to stand up for Chechen refugees in Lithuania

Cinema Against Lies International Film Festival held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 1-7 August 2009 is organized as an act of public support towards Khadijat and Malik Gataevs. The couple of Chechen refugees are serving a term in Lithuanian prison and face a risk of being deported back to the Russian Federation for family despotism and other misdemeanours. Many HR defenders and festival-makers believe the Gataevs to be victims of prosecution allegedly shadowed by Kremlin.

August 4, 2009

Being disloyal means illegal to independent periodicals

Ihar Bantsar, a Hrodna based journalist and editor in chief of Magazyn Polski na uchodzstwie/Polish magazine in exile, received an official warning from the prosecutor office for his professional activities. He thinks that it is a ‘political act’ on the side of authorities. The Polish language magazine was penalised only after it published satire on the head of the state.

August 3, 2009

Выданні нелаяльныя – значыць, нелегальныя

Ігар Банцар – журналіст з Горадні, галоўны рэдактар часопіса “Magazyn Polski na uchodzstwie” – атрымаў папярэджанне ад пракуратуры ў сувязі са сваёй прафесійнай дзейнасцю. Сам журналіст лічыць такі крок з боку ўладаў “палітычнай акцыяй”. Прэтэнзіі да польскамоўнага выдання з’явіліся пасля таго, як у ім з’вілася сатыра на кіраўніка дзяржавы.

August 3, 2009

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Review of Poland

When: Wednesday, 5. August 2009 To: Thursday, 6. August 2009 Where: Geneva, Switzerland, Palais Wilson Contact: (

August 3, 2009

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Review of Azerbaijan

When: Tuesday, 11. August 2009 To: Wednesday, 12. August 2009 Where: Geneva, Switzerland, Palais Wilson Contact: (

August 2, 2009

Пікетаваць не даюць і абаронцам жывёл

Улады забаранілі пікет, які планавалася правесці на вуліцы Гурскага каля дзяржпрадпрыемства “Фаўна гораду” – пункту адлову і часовага ўтрымання бяздомных жывёл. Арганізатары мелі на мэце звярнуць увагу грамадскасці на праблемы бяздомных жывёл і антыгуманнага стаўлення да іх. У рэалізацыі права на мірныя сходы абаронцам бяздомных жывёл Менгарвыканкам адмаўляе ўжо другі раз.