

February 23, 2010

Two days in life of independent journalists

16 and 17 February for independent journalists were marred as days of violations and persecutions. Two representatives of independent media were subjected to harsh treatment by law enforcement agencies. On 16 February, Yulia Darashkevich, a photo correspondent for Naša Niva, was held for three hours at the police station. Next day, Maryna Koktysh from Narodnaja Volia had her working place searched.

February 23, 2010

THEATER: Lady of Burma

Monologue about Aung San Suu Kyis life with Ingunn Eye:

February 22, 2010

HRH Zagreb revives the case of Vesna Balenovic

Human Rights House Zagreb sent open letters to the president of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic and the Prime Minister, Jadranka Kosor, regarding the almost forgotten case of Vesna Balenovic (on right), who was removed from her position after pointing out criminal actions in the company she was working.

February 22, 2010

Georgian journalist Komakhidze fears for his life

Head of Studio “Reporter”, journalist Vakhtang Komakhidze requests the Government of Switzerland political asylum because he fears for his own and his familys life. His wife reports to the Interpress news that her husband has received several threatening phone calls where his family members were threatened with death. Currently, Komakhidze is in Geneva, in a refugee asylum.

February 22, 2010

Life threats against a leading Georgian journalist

The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture – OMCT and the International Federation for Human Rights – FIDH), Human Rights House Foundation, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Front Line and ARTICLE 19 condemn the pressure and intimidation exerted by Georgian authorities against leading investigative journalist Vakhtang Komakhidze, and denounce a continuous defamation campaign against Mr. Komakhidze.

February 21, 2010

Afghan civilians at risk during NATO offensive against Taleban

Amnesty International calls on both sides to protect Afghan civilians as NATO and Afghan forces continue a major military offensive against Taleban in the southern province of Helmand.

February 20, 2010

Russia: Civil Society and Media Organisations Forge a Way for Free Media in the North Caucasus

More than sixty media, civil society and human rights representatives from the North Caucasus gathered in Moscow on 16 February 2010, together with leading Russian NGOs to discuss joint actions for improving the state of freedom of expression in the North Caucasus.

February 20, 2010

Burma urged to end repression of ethnic minorities before elections

Myanmar’s government must halt its repression of ethnic minority activists before forthcoming national and local elections, Amnesty International warned in a major report released on 16 February 2010.

February 20, 2010

Дыялог праваабаронцы- сілавікі так і не адбыўся

Група прадстаўнікоў праваабарончых арганізацый Беларусі 19 лютага накіравала шэрагу кіраўнікоў сілавых структур лісты з заклікам да перамоваў з праваабаронцамі. Тэмай для абмеркавання павінны стаць свабода сходаў і забеспячэнне правапарадку пры іх правядзенні, у тым ліку перашкоды дзейнасці СМІ пры ажыццяўленні імі сваіх прафесійных абавязкаў на вулічных акцыях.

February 19, 2010

ICC asks for more data for Kenyan violence probe

The International Criminal Court (ICC), right, today asked for additional information as it decides whether or not to go forward with an investigation into the deadly post-election violence clashes which rocked Republic of Kenya in December 2007 and January 2008.

February 19, 2010

Russia continues to deny the obvious

The Russian authorities responded with indignation to the publication of the report on secret prisons.

February 19, 2010

Norwegian NGO forum for human rights issues its recommendations for 2010

In a letter to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre on February 18, the NGO forum for human rights has sent its recommendations for cases in need of particular attention during this years’ sessions in the UN Human Rights Council, in the general Assembly and in Norway’s bilateral consultations.